Undocumented MessageBoxTimeOut function
function MessageBoxTimeOut( hWnd: HWND; lpText: PChar; lpCaption: PChar; uType: UINT; wLanguageId: WORD; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): Integer; stdcall; function MessageBoxTimeOutA( hWnd: HWND; lpText: PChar; lpCaption: PChar; uType: UINT; wLanguageId: WORD; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): Integer; stdcall; function MessageBoxTimeOutW( hWnd: HWND; lpText: PWideChar; lpCaption: PWideChar; uType: UINT; wLanguageId: WORD; dwMilliseconds: DWORD): Integer; stdcall; implementation // this const is not defined in Windows.pas const MB_TIMEDOUT = 32000; function MessageBoxTimeOut; externaluser32 name 'MessageBoxTimeoutA'; function MessageBoxTimeOutA; external user32 name 'MessageBoxTimeoutA'; function MessageBoxTimeOutW; external user32 name 'MessageBoxTimeoutW';
var iResult: Integer; iFlags: Integer; begin // Define a MessagBox with an OK button and a timeout of 2 seconds iFlags := MB_OK or MB_SETFOREGROUND or MB_SYSTEMMODAL or MB_ICONINFORMATION; iResult := MessageBoxTimeout( Application.Handle, 'Test a timeout of 2 seconds.', 'MessageBoxTimeout Test', iFlags, 0, 2000); // iResult will = 1 (IDOK) ShowMessage(IntToStr(iRet)); // Define a MessageBox with a Yes and No button and a timeout of 5 seconds iFlags := MB_YESNO or MB_SETFOREGROUND or MB_SYSTEMMODAL or MB_ICONINFORMATION; iResult := MessageBoxTimeout( Application.Handle, 'Test a timeout of 5 seconds.', 'MessageBoxTimeout Test', iFlags, 0, 5000); // iResult = MB_TIMEDOUT if no buttons clicked, otherwise // iResult will return the value of the button clicked case iResult of IDYES: // Pressed Yes button ShowMessage('Yes'); IDNO: // Pressed the No button ShowMessage('No'); MB_TIMEDOUT: // MessageBox timed out ShowMessage('TimedOut'); end; end;