2015年10月27日 星期二

國際 電子零件 通路商 有零售 可網購 mouser.tw 開放原始碼 電路板 的 表格

國際 電子零件 通路商 有零售 可網購 mouser.tw 開放原始碼 電路板 的 表格

Open Source Hardware | Mouser

 Got a project? Quickly compare OSHW specs or download a PDF of the matrix (with legend below.)

Arduino Arduino Uno Atmel ATmega328
Arduino Arduino Due Atmel SAM3X8E
Arduino Arduino Yún AtmelATmega32u4
Atheros AR9331
Arduino Arduino Micro Atmel ATmega32u4
Arduino Arduino Esplora Atmel ATmega32u4
Arduino Arduino Mega 2560 Atmel ATmega2560
Arduino Arduino Mega ADK Atmel ATmega2560
Arduino Arduino Mini Atmel ATmega328
Arduino Arduino Leonardo Atmel ATmega32u4
Arduino Arduino Fio Atmel ATmega328
Gravitech Arduino Nano 3.0 Atmel ATmega328
Intel Edison Intel® Edison SoC
Intel Galileo Intel® Quark SoC X1000
Arduino Arduino Robot Atmel ATmega32u4
Arduino Arduino Ethernet Atmel ATmega328
STMicroelectronics STM32F4 Nucleo STmicroelectronics STM32F4
STMicroelectronics STM32F0 Nucleo STMicroelectronics STM32F0
STMicroelectronics STM32F103 Nucleo STMicroelectronics STM32F103
STMicroelectronics STM32L Nucleo STMicroelectronics STM32L
Texas Instruments MSP432 LaunchPad Texas Instruments MSP432P401R
Texas Instruments MSP430 LaunchPad Texas Instruments MSP430G2
Texas Instruments MSP430 LaunchPad - USB Texas Instruments MSP430F5529
Texas Instruments C2000 LaunchPad Texas Instruments C2000 TMS320F28027
Texas Instruments C2000 LaunchPad - InstaSPIN-FOC Texas Instruments C2000 TMS320F28027F
Texas Instruments Tiva C LaunchPad Texas Instruments Tiva C TM4C123GH6PM
Texas Instruments Hercules TMS570 LaunchPad Texas Instruments Hercules TMS570
Texas Instruments Hercules RM4 LaunchPad Texas Instruments Hercules RM4
BeagleBoard.org BeagleBoard-xM Texas Instruments OMAP3530
BeagleBoard.org BeagleBone Texas Instruments AM3358
BeagleBoard.org BeagleBone Black Texas Instruments AM3358
Seed Studio Beaglebone Green TI AM3358
Netduino Netduino Go STmicroelectronics STM32F405
Netduino Netduino 2 STmicroelectronics STM32F2
Netduino Netduino Mini Atmel AT91SAM7
Netduino Netduino Plus Atmel AT91SAM7
Netduino Netduino Plus 2 STmicroelectronics STM32F4

關鍵字 與 搜尋 最佳化 分析 工具 SEO Trends and Techniques to Follow in 2014


SEO Trends and Techniques to Follow in 2014

By: Bhavuk Khandelwal IN 


Panda update -喜歡高質量的內容來在頂級的搜索結果,而不是其他低質量的內容。

Penguin update - 診斷垃圾連結

Hummingbird 搜尋演算法- Introduced conversational search, 轉換更多目標

Page Rank toolbar - 頁面漣漪工具

Guest Posting 遊客分析 by Matt Cutts from Google.

# SEO trends 2011 Vs 2014



# Content Marketing is the Key for the Future

We all know that quality always matters 
內容市場的關鍵,讓你編寫高品質的內容 取得分析社群互動
 social media marketing

Read : How to Grow Business with Content Marketing


Read : Content Marketing Scope and Effect on Author Rank

 # Implement Google Authorship for Branding

Benefits of Google Authorship Implementation
  • Ownership of your Content Images, identity and mainly your website你的內容圖像的所有權,身份,主要是你的網站
  • Google displays your Content and Google+ images in Rich Snippets in Google Search Results播放你的圖在g+圖上
  • Authorship increases Visibility of your results in SEPR's著作能見度
  • Authorship increases Click-through rates by showing Rich Snippets in SERP's著作權增加點擊率通過展示在搜索結果頁面的豐富網頁摘要
  • It Builds Authority, and helps users to recognize your content 幫助使用者便是你的內容
  • It helps in Quick Indexing of your Content 索引你的資料


# Mobile Optimized Version of your website 

Faulty Redirects 


mobile redirection for users - faulty redirections
As you can see user clicking on any page of the website in search results, is redirected to a single mobile optimized page of a website.

Mobile optimized versions site breakdown for fortune 100 companies

Read : Build links and traffic with Forums


# Social Media is on Boom


Google is relying more on social signals rather human. Any content with more likes, +1's, shares分享 
Read : Use Pinterest and Boom on Social Media, How?

Focus on Google+

Imagesource : Moz

Google+ gives do-follow back links 
  content strategy for your social profiles  
Must Read : How to improve search rankings with Google+

# Having a Blog of Your Brand


Brands having a blog have more traffic and leads. Create blog if your brand don't have any and start writing high quality content about your product & services. 

Tell users about your brand. It helps in increasing traffic, Improves author rank with content marketing as well as in brand value creation. Link your blog to your website to pass page rank.

# Don't Forget Link Building

別忘了“連結” ,幫你的資料建立有效連結,確保他暢通
Link Building was one of the traditional approach for SEO, but things have changed now. Google is penalizing websites building unnatural links so prepare quality links. 

Read : Quality Link Building Tips for 2014

Avoid guest posting as Google consider it as a spam. If you are writing something high quality, unique concept and want people out there to know about it then you can write guest posts. 

Build links with relevant sites, Avoid using exact match anchor text for external links and various forms of anchor texts for link building. 

Don't Miss : How to remove unnatural links penalty from website

RSS 系統 其實 有效 提升 搜尋命中

ECG(Electrocardiography) 心電圖 EEG(Electroencephalography) 腦電波 EMG(Electromyography) 肌電圖


Helicopter controlled with muscle signals



1. EMG or Muscle wave: generally from 80~3000Hz with most energy at 100Hz  
2. Super beta (β) or gamma (γ) wave: from 30~150Hz with most energy between 60~100Hz, associated with visual processing 
3. Beta (β)  wave: from 12~40Hz with most energy between 20~30Hz 
4. Spindles or Sigma (σ)  wave: generally from 12~14Hz 
5. Alpha (α) wave: generally from 8~12Hz with 
6. Theta (θ) wave: generally from 4~8Hz, associated with drowsiness.  It is a transitional wave, with few distinctive features.
7. Delta (δ) wave: generally from 0.5~4Hz, associated with deep sleep or deep relaxation. It is often in the form of strong pulse train with varying intervals, and thus often covers through δ, θ, α wave bands when it occurs.








Box 1 | Recordings methods of extracellular events


György Buzsáki, Costas A. Anastassiou & Christof Koch

The Source of EEG

© 2012-2015 Kevan Hashemi, Open Source Instruments Inc.

Home » Medical/Health » Electroencefalography » EasyEEG 1.0 » Electrode

[Please note that this is a cached copy from the Wayback Engine as Doug's site apparently dropped off the 'net in 2003; hopefully he'll show up again some day! Until then, enjoy his research. --Jim]
Biopotential Technology

This is a collection of resources on biopotential measurement
and next generation human-computer interfacing.


MultiChannel EEG Recording System
Mohsen Mollazadeh



約為 共分別是ABCED種 ac 10~50 uV +-50~130pA Mohm

放大電路 類似微分 犧牲細節 來把訊號拉高




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japanese google search
差動回路 脳波検出回路 アナログ信号
してもらった筋電センサ回路 計測技術
差動回路 差動増幅回路 回路図 してもらった筋電センサ回路 計測 mv

NIME 2015 NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression, nime.org) is the premier conference in designing human-computer interfaces and interactions for musical performance. NIME gathers researchers and practitioners around lectures, installations, concerts, and workshops. This year we welcome you to Louisiana State University for NIME 2015. 

  • Cooking Hacks Forum • View forum - e-Healh Sensor Platform
Board index ‹ Technical Service ‹ Cooking Hacks Products ‹ e-Healh Sensor Platform


  • P&S    EMG-Biofeedbackgerät:  Wichtige Links! (EMG = Elektromyographie) Blockschaltung anzeigen   (Klicken auf Foto) Einführung und Zielsetzung

Jede Muskelaktivität kommt durch elektrische Aktionspotentiale der Muskelnervenfasern zustande. Diese bioelektrischen Signale können mittels Elektroden gemessen, anschliessend verstärkt, gefiltert und für Forschungszwecke genutzt werden. Sie eignen sich aber ebenso für EMG-Biofeedback-Anwendungen. Als Feedbackmethoden kommen meist akustische und optische zum Einsatz. EMG-Biofeedback wird bei gewissen Myopathien (Muskelerkrankungen) therapeutisch erfolgreich eingesetzt. Zwei solcher Fälle habe ich bei einem Einsatz im Zürcher Universitätsspital in den 1970er-Jahren mit einem von mir gebauten zweikanaligen EMG-Biofeedback-Gerät mitbetreut. In beiden Fällen konnten signifikante Verbesserungen der Gesundheit der Patienten festgestellt werden. 

Weitere Links zur Elektro-Myographie (EMG)

Grundlagen und Arbeiten 


mv 差動回路 検出回路 信号


  •  Startseite Themen News Forum Online-Shop
  • Elektronik Grundlagen Bauelemente Schaltungstechnik Elektronik  Minikurse Digitaltechnik Computertechnik Kommunikationstechnik Netzwerktechnik Sicherheitstechnik Raspberry Pi
  • Folge uns Das Buch zu dieser Webseite Operationsverstärker und Instrumentationsverstärker Kundenmeinung: 
  • Mein Lob gilt der übersichtlichen und schönen Darstellung und der guten didaktischen Aufbereitung. Selten werden Schaltungen so gut erklärt, dass es auch noch Spaß macht sich damit zu beschäftigen. Jetzt bestellen! Das Buch zu dieser Webseite
  • Timer 555 Kundenmeinung: Hätte ich das Timer-Buch schon früher gehabt, dann hätte ich mir die Rumfrickelei am NE555 sparen können. Das Timer-Buch jetzt bestellen!   Service Schule und Ausbildung Elektronik-Praxis Schaltungen Datenblätter Transistor-Vergleich TTL-Code SMD-Code Das Buch zu dieser Webseite Elektronik-Fibel 
  •  Kundenmeinung: Die Elektronik-Fibel ist einfach nur genial. Einfach und verständlich, nach so einem Buch habe ich schon lange gesucht. Es ist einfach alles drin was man so als Azubi braucht. Danke für dieses schöne Werk.
  • Elektronik-Fibel jetzt bestellen! 

Echter Differenzverstärker IV: 
EMG-Vorverstärker Deluxe mit INA111
  • Elektronik-Minikurse: Inhaltsverzeichnis   WICHTIG: Diverse technische Infos
  • Elektronik-Minikurse: Inhaltsverzeichnis   WICHTIG: Diverse technische Infos
  • Elektronik-Minikurse: Philosophie (Sinn, Vorwissen, Praxisbezug)
  • Elektronik-Minikurse: Philosophie (Sinn, Vorwissen, Praxisbezug)
  • Hilfe bei Leserfragen. (WICHTIG: Unbedingt zur Kenntnis nehmen!)
  • Hilfe bei Leserfragen(WICHTIG: Unbedingt zur Kenntnis nehmen!) 
  • Simulieren und Experimentieren, ein Vorwort von Jochen Zig
  • Simulieren und Experimentieren, ein Vorwort von Jochen Zilg
  • Autor:   Thomas Schaerer      Opamp-Buch   Timer555-Buch
  • Autor:   Thomas Schaerer      Opamp-Buch   Timer555-Buch

OSVehicle想要對世界製造交通工具革命 開放原始碼 交通工具



OSVehicle’s Tabby EVO: Build This Open-Source EV in an Hour

名為Tabby EVO 在合適的工廠你可以自己造它
他可以80v/15kw電力驅動,可達87英里或是80mph,他輪子軸距為93inch,2-4人座,他升級了框架 L6e, L7e, and M1 licensing 道路版,你可以在歐洲與美國使用
But its most notable trait may be the open-source mission of the group behind it: Its blueprints and design files are freely available

專案基於 義大利與深圳為原始“自造所”,於2013十月,針對當地需求完成製造

Nika, a finished original Tabby from OSV that debuted in 2014.
OSVehicle’s CEO Tin Hang Liu 說
法國政府已經通過這個包裝“Four French projects currently ...

Jonathan Ward 一個pcb 雕刻機 專案 分享


Jonathan Ward 
jonathan (dot) ward (at) cba (dot) mit (dot) edu

(c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2009 Permission granted for experimental and personal use. License for commercial sale available from MIT. 

一個pcb 雕刻機 專案 分享

從 元件 電路 組裝  工程圖 都有資訊

提供 你可以 自造 一個pcb 雕刻

default :

PCB Milling machine project

分享 電子 電路 網站 David's robotroom



David's robot room 
分享許多他多年 的 興趣 與研究成果 還有書

你可以在 groups.yahoo.com 社團找到他的社團

如 機器人  太陽能機器人 感測器 馬達 


專案裡 有

火箭發射器 控制器



led 照明 圓環


溫度 風扇 控制器

網路 時間 時鐘



led 牆

Electronic Projects, Circuits, and Devices

Here are some nifty little projects that are useful for tasks in the workshop or home, as well as some that are more decorative. Some of the articles help beginners with simple circuits, whereas others delve into details on specific microcontroller chips.
Model rocket liftoffModel Rocket Launch Controller
The secrets to a successful launch controller are thick cables, power through a relay, and a beefy battery (such as a lead-acid motorcycle battery). Learn what is inside a low-end commercial rocket launcher, how to make your own simple launch controller, and take a look at a fancy rocket controller that includes covered pilot switches and a switch lock. 
Rocket ignition system thumbnailRocket Ignition System
The problem with most model rocket launch controllers is that the battery is located with the operator, far away from the launch pad. This requires thick cables and wastes significant energy. By locating the battery near the rocket engine and using a remotely-controlled relay, the improved launch system is more efficient but can still be built at home. Includes complete schematics, the pcb layout, and source/object code. 
Tiny thumbnail graph of weather in ChicagoWeather Station
Logging six temperatures and solar activity at one minute intervals around the clock using a 4 megabyte serial flash chip. The observation results are graphed to demonstrate weather conditions over multiple days in the Chicagoland area. Ran into some problems with a broken wire, overheating project box, shadows, and exposed sensors. 
Thumbnail of a weather chart.Weather Station Charts
With the do-it-yourself weather station recording data for over six months, let’s see what can be discovered about the temperatures, sunlight, moonlight, and activities in the backyard, home office, and kitchen of a home in the suburbs of Chicago. 
LED bar graph for a water softener salt-level monitorWater-Softener Brine-Tank Salt-Level Monitor
If you have hard water, did you ever forget to add salt to the water softener tank? This electronic device monitors how full the tank is using a Sharp DP2D12 infrared distance monitor. The results are displayed on a custom wall plate with a multicolor LED bar graph. The project also includes several photosensors to save power. 
A ring light attached to a magnifying glassMiniature Surface-Mount LED Ring Light
Ring lights provide shadowless all-around lighting that is particularly useful for close-up work such as macro-photography and circuit-board inspection with a magnifying glass. This project also includes instructions on soldering surface-mount electronic components and machining a circuit board into a ring (round/circular/donut) shape.
Pumpkin with LED CandleHalloween Pumpkin with Colorful LED Candles
Extensive tutorial on putting blinking LEDs and different colored LEDs into jack-o-lanterns. Includes schematics, solderless breadboard photos, and three movies (the blue pulsing LED is my favorite). Great way of getting started in electronics! Although this was written for Halloween, the techniques are applicable for Christmas votive candles as well.
LED tester lighting up a red LEDStandalone LED Tester
Description and schematic for a constant-current LED tester. It safely lights up standard through-hole and surface mount LEDs, while providing easy access to current and voltage measurements.
Temperature displayed on 4-digit multiplexed blue LED displayDual Fan Controller
A birthday present gone too far. An overengineered temperature-based automatic twin fan controller with brass face to keep a kitchen PC cool.
Toggle switch with safety coverFighter Pilot Safety-Cover Toggle Switch
See how an illuminated toggle switch works by breaking one open and putting it back together. Most of these are automotive switches, which need 12 V. The circuit schematics on the second page of the article show you how to shift voltage levels from 12 V to 5 V, and 5 V to 12 V. A microcontroller can read the switch state and blink the LED. 
Insides of a trimpot with gearsTrimpots
A visual guide to breadboard-friendly trimpots (small variable resistors) that appear in nearly every hobbyist electronic project. The article features comparison pictures and part numbers of 3/8-inch and 1/4-inch square single-turn and multi-turn trimmers. Even more interesting is the cutaway close-up photographs of the inside gears and brushes of these tiny potentiometers. 
ATtiny in programming socketAVR Studio 4 and the STK500
To write firmware to an Atmel AVR microcontroller, you need a computer, free AVR Studio software, a hardware interface, and a little bit of knowledge. This tutorial shows how to obtain, install, set up, and write a HEX file to an ATtiny chip using the STK500 programming board. Covers fuse bits, jumper positions, ISP frequency, and target voltage. 
Two digit 7-segment numeric display showing the best trim value for a reasonably accurate internal oscillator on this particular 68HC908KX8 microcontroller chip.Trimming the Internal Clock on a KX8 Microcontroller
Example algorithms for manually or automatically tuning the oscillator on the internal clock generator of the popular MC68HC908KX8 microcontroller. Also includes batch test results and a video.
A analog light or object sensor with red and green LEDsAnalog Comparison, Digital Result
Comparators are very useful for comparing two analog voltages and providing a digital result. In this case, if the light source is dim, a red LED is enabled. If the light source is bright, a green LED is enabled. However, once comparators are understood, they can be useful for driving small robots or helping a microcontroller.
A montage of images from the Lite-On multifunction LED displayMulti-Segment LED Display
Lite-On LTM-Y2K19JF-03 is a surprisingly good LED display with alphanumeric, numeric, and icon LEDs. The LED module includes all driver circuitry -- no additional transistors or resistors are necessary. The article also describes how to create and edit a 14-segment alphanumeric LED font using Excel.
Async tool thumbnailSerial Communication
A very popular method of sending and receiving data between devices and computers is good old asynchronous serial communication. See traces of characters being transmitted. Learn how far timing can be off before introducing errors. Includes a table of popular crystal frequencies and baud rates, as well as machining information and a source code snippet for an automatic bps detection tool. 
Logic analysis of TWI problemAtmel TWI
Explains an I2C multi-master bus issue on the Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontrollers. Shows logic analyzer traces of TWI (two-wire interface). 
Alphanumeric LED Display Project thumbnailAlphanumeric LED Display Project
A phenomenal 256-diode ROM acts as a character generator for a two-digit hexadecimal display. 
Infrared Transmitter Project thumbnailInfrared Transmitter Project
The heart of this project is a NAND gate turned into a 40-kHz oscillator. A simple 9-volt to 5-volt regulator circuit schematic is also included. 

Robot Books

Robot Building for Beginners bookRobot Building for Beginners by David CookThis book is for readers who like the schematics, photographs, and style of Robot Room, but who have been looking for complete step-by-step instructions or a beginning project. Robot Building for Beginners consists of all new material that doesn’t exist on this web site. Highly recommended. Teens to adults. Here’s a detailed look at the chapters.

Cover of Intermediate Robot Building bookIntermediate Robot Building by David CookA second book, also in the style of the Robot Room website and the first book. Presents a second robot that can be built with or without programming. All new material not presented on this site, plus greater in-depth material on the topics that receive the most questions on RobotRoom.com:
Highly recommended. College students to adults. Here’s a detailed look at the chapters.

Cover of Junkbots, Bugbots, and Bots on WheelsJunkbots, Bugbots, & Bots on Wheels by Dave Hrynkiw and Mark W. TildenTruly an excellent book from very talented builders!
Tons of clear photographs with complete instructions for multiple robots and related experiments. Lots of tips and tricks.
There are two things I like most about this book: First, the authors concentrate on recycling as many techno-trash parts as possible, which overcomes the cost barrier that many robot hobbyists encounter. Second, the designs are extremely different from the two-wheeled robots that I tend to build. Their fascinating (yet easy to build) robots are much like insects in appearance, movement, and behavior.