2024年1月27日 星期六

炸物 粉糊炸物


小麥粉漿 台州泡蝦

炸姿飯糕炸姿飯糕 粢飯糕 上海油炸糍飯

玉米麵糊 糯米麵糊 在來米麵糊
米漿蛋餅 蔬菜煎餅
福州炸粿  蚵嗲 寧德海蠣餅

蝦餅 蝦漿餅 魚漿餅 花枝漿  月亮蝦餅 泰國炸蝦餅

炸米餅 米花 爆米香
芝麻麻粩 米粩
熟乾澱粉膨發蝦餅 膨發米餅 仙貝

煎堆 番薯球 地瓜球 地瓜麻團 麻球 芝麻球
米糕 發糕 米糍 麻糬

腐皮卷 網油肉粿  潮州肝花雞卷 雞捲黑輪甜不辣吉古拉  卷煎鮮竹卷腐皮卷

乾式炸粉 粉 漿炸 吉利 炸 濕漿炸粉  常見的酥炸粉特色比較表

米漿 澱粉 豆漿鷹嘴豆黃豆綠豆小麥麵筋

Dynamic Modelling Simulation Control Design Drive Reaction Wheel Balancing reaction wheel unicycle robot Wheelbot

 Dynamic Modelling Simulation Control Design  Drive  Reaction Wheel Balancing reaction

wheel unicycle robot

Symmetry | Free Full-Text | Global Stabilization of a Reaction Wheel Pendulum: A Discrete-Inverse Optimal Formulation Approach via A Control Lyapunov Function Global Stabilization of a Reaction Wheel Pendulum: A Discrete-Inverse Optimal Formulation Approach via A Control Lyapunov Function

James Bruton’s robot uses three ball-shaped wheels to move in any direction

On the Ball: Omnidirectional Mobile Robot Has Just Two Moving Parts - News - Carnegie Mellon University Spherical Induction Motor Eliminates Robot’s Mechanical Drive System

(PDF) Balancing and translation control of a ball segway that a human can ride Driving

mechanism of the ball segway.  | Download Scientific Diagram

spherical robot design Structure of the spherical mobile robot | Download Scientific Diagram

Robotics | Free Full-Text | Stastaball: Design and Control of a Statically Stable Ball Robot

(PDF) Point-to-point motion control of a unicycle robot: Design, implementation, and validation

Introducing Wheelbot