2015年11月26日 星期四

自製 diy 遊戲搖桿 模擬器 snes nes neo geo mame video game Arcade ATmega16 arduino Game controller joystick Gamepad Joypad

USB 標準搖桿 滑鼠 鍵盤 模擬, 硬體 電路 , 模擬器 搖桿,
如果是 電腦, 你必須 是 標準搖桿 或是 模擬標準鍵盤 (不依賴外部驅動程式,因為模擬器可能抓不到非標準訊號)
mac osx 支援標準版設備

如果是單板電腦或是arduino 或是android 則適合藍芽bluetooth或是gpio,如果自製電路必須考慮“電器雜訊或是單晶片的速度在自動連按的速度”

Your one stop source for mame hardware, mame trackballs, mame joysticks, buttons, mame driving controls, light guns & accessories. Great service & free tech support.


原文AVR DDS Arduino Oscilloscope meter signal generator V2.0 - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.


Uzebox Starter Kit - v1.0 是一個 AVR 處理器,簡單的單版 ,8 bit 遊戲機 模擬器 ,由SD卡載入
CPU: ATmega644 microcontroller
Total RAM: 4K
Program Memory: 64K
Speed: 28.61818Mhz (Overclocked)
Colors: 256 simultaneous colors arranged in a 3:3:2 color space (Red:3 bits, Green:3 bits, Blue: 2 bits)
Resolution: Up to 360x224 pixels支援的銀幕是RCA AV端子 (tiles-only and tiles-and-sprites modes)
Sprites: Up to 32 simultaneous sprites on screen at any time 支援32個物件角色的動畫
Video output: NTSC Composite and S-Video (Works without changes on most PAL/SECAM TVs)
Sound: 5 channels, 8-bit mono, mixed at ~15Khz and output via PWM 用脈波寬度調變的方式模擬8bit音效
Inputs: Two NES/SNES compatible joypad inputs 使用 超任 的搖桿
Options: MIDI-in interface 可以有一個 MIDI 輸入 ( 這應該是 可以 外插 飛行搖桿 之類的用途

The Uzebox is a fully open-source, DIY 8-bit game console. It is designed specifically for people who know a little bit of programming to expand into designing and creating their own video games and demos. A full-featured core runs in the background and does all the video and audio processing so that your code stays clean and easy to understand.

This electronic kit comes unassembled: it includes the PCB, pre-programmed chip, and all components including a pre-soldered video chip. All but one of the components are through-hole, so you can build it yourself without difficulty. However, it is a 1-2 hr project and its best to have used your soldering iron before this project.

Each order comes with a full Uzebox kit including all components, an SNES controller, RCA A/V cable and SD card full of awesome games you can start playing immediately. A 9V power supply is also required,
有一隻搖桿跟 電視線 記憶卡

 you can use one you have at home or pick one up from our shop. You may also want to get an extra SNES controller or an NTSC display. 支援超任搖桿與美規電視

The photos above show a kit with power supply and display attached for demonstration.

 A video display and 9V adapter are NOT included! 他沒有附變壓器跟螢幕,你要自己買

 To program in new games directly without using the SD card loader, 會有256MB SD卡,預載了遊戲

you'll probably want an AVR programmer such as a USBtiny 他的AVR可以被USBTINY 上載線更新

Full 256 simultaneous output colors, 240x224 pixel resolution
Tile & sprite support
Two player ports for use with Super Nintendo controllers
NTSC RCA composite and S-video out (PAL not supported at this time)
4 channel output mono audio for music and effects 同時有4通道(和玹)的音樂效果
SD/MMC card support for loading in games over a card 遊戲都放在SD卡里
Built on an Atmel AVR core, 64KB flash and 4KB of RAM
Write game code in C, using fully open source tools on any platform

  •  Gadget Factory 社群,提供open hardware 開源電路板 的資料 ,討論,銷售

Welcome to the Gadget Factory community!Gadget Factory is a community focused on making affordable and fun Open Source Hardware.Feel free to browse through the Open Source Hardware in the store, talk about hardware ideas in the forum, or learn more about our existing projects in the wikis.Before you leave us remember to subscribe to the blog to keep up to date about new hardware, give-aways, and contests.

EUzebox - a retro-minimalist 8-bit open source game console

Open Source Firmware - Coreboot for x86 Architecture Boards
The traditional commercial BIOS, while very useful for PCs, does not ideally serve the needs of embedded applications both in terms of functionality and pricing/licensing. The open source community has developed an alternative aimed at the needs of embedded developers.


BeagleSNES: The Embedded BeagleBoard SNES Emulator

DIY: Hydra 8-Bit Game Development Console

KENBAK-1 - Recreating the original personal computer

El Jugador: Retro DIY Game Console by Gadget Gangster

Blowout Alert: SEGA Genesis Mini-Consoles for only $10

XGameStation: A Modern Vintage Game System

spring4d spring 就是 java ee 用於 application server 多層式 multi tier軟體架構 時 用於 與終端介面連結的架構, 共能大概是 sql 或資料庫的 偵錯與阻擋非法存取 ,延伸有 資料多型或是 發動命令與操作

spring 就是 java ee 用於 application server 多層式 multi tier軟體架構 時 用於 與終端介面連結的架構, 共能大概是 sql 或資料庫的 偵錯與阻擋非法存取 ,延伸有 資料多型或是 發動命令與操作

spring4d 就是spring for delphi


Spring4D is an open-source code library for Embarcadero Delphi 2010 and higher. It consists of a number of different modules that contain a base class library (common types, interface based collection types, reflection extensions) and a dependency injection framework. It uses the Apache License 2.0.
spring4d是開放原始碼 的函式庫, for delphi 2010 或更高(因為他大量使用多型),它包含基礎類庫(常見的類型,接口基於集合類型,反映擴展)和依賴注入框架不同的模塊。它使用Apache許可證2.0。


A set of interface-based Collections 介面架構分類
A powerful IEnumerable interface for accessing those collections 多行泛用
A Dependency Injection Container 深度注入內容
An Encryption Library 編碼函式庫

A Reflection library that extends Delphi's RTTI 執行時期的 資料確認與 外部加入的功能

google spring4d

google spring java

Building a tiled roof hut


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