spring4d 就是spring for delphi
Spring4D is an open-source code library for Embarcadero Delphi 2010 and higher. It consists of a number of different modules that contain a base class library (common types, interface based collection types, reflection extensions) and a dependency injection framework. It uses the Apache License 2.0.
spring4d是開放原始碼 的函式庫, for delphi 2010 或更高(因為他大量使用多型),它包含基礎類庫(常見的類型,接口基於集合類型,反映擴展)和依賴注入框架不同的模塊。它使用Apache許可證2.0。
A set of interface-based Collections 介面架構分類
A powerful IEnumerable interface for accessing those collections 多行泛用
A Dependency Injection Container 深度注入內容
An Encryption Library 編碼函式庫
A Reflection library that extends Delphi's RTTI 執行時期的 資料確認與 外部加入的功能
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