PeaZip 5.8.0 支援超過150種壓縮格式,像檔案總管般的壓縮軟體
壓縮檔案的方式也很簡單,不過介面是有點稍嫌複雜,看起來選項很多,基本上只要選定匯出的位置,以及選定的壓縮檔格式即可,壓縮檔格式支援了 PEA、7Z、ARC、BZip2、GZip、QUAD/BALZ、自解壓縮 7z、自解壓縮 ARC、TAR、ZIP 等等,有些格式對於 Linux 也很友善,檔案交換時更為方便。
PeaZip for MS Windows 32 bit | 64 bit | Portable
PeaZip for Linux x86 | x86_64 | ARM | BSD
PeaZip creating a ZIP archive
PeaZip file and archive browser, "Details" mode, navigating archive file. Address breadcrumb shows highlighted in-archive paths.
Console tab: bridge the gap fro GUI to CL and save the task definition as a script file
Schedule tab (only for Microsoft Vista and newer Windows systems): save and paln task's execution as scheduled task
PeaZip context menu
and SendTo menu entries
PeaZip running on Microsoft Windows XP