4WD Omni Wheel Learning Platform - by CustoBots - YouTube
4WD 100mm Mecanum Wheel Learning Arduino Kit C009 - YouTube
First test of Gyro monorail No.10 - YouTube
Gyro monorail by Akubi L.R. (part 2) - YouTube
Balanced Cube - YouTube
The Balancing Cube, ETH Zurich - YouTube
The Cubli: A Reaction Wheel Based 3D Inverted Pendulum - YouTube
Robot Evolution - YouTube
3-AXIS Accelerometer ADXL345 Gyroscope Gyro L3G4200D for Arduino Balance Self-balancing Robot - YouTube
Arduino self balancing robot - YouTube
A Robot That Balances on a Ball - YouTube
A robot balancing on a ball R1.1 / 玉乗りロボット - YouTube
BallIP-PSR / new Ball Drive using Partially Sliding Roller / IROS2010 - YouTube
Development of a Planar Induction Motor - YouTube