2023年6月8日 星期四

mechanism motion linkage mechanism designer simulator




 Machines | Free Full-Text | Linkage and Cam Design with MechDev Based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines


toolkit uml generator code orm object-relational mapping er diagram class diagram synchronization

 Synchronize Abstract Persistable Class to ERD 


plantuml file .puml .pu .plantuml, .iuml plantuml for *.pu, *.uml, *.puml, *.iuml or *.plantuml 

ArgoUML compressed project file  extension  .zargo-file

 diagram information in a PGML file (with extension .pgml, the model information in an XMI



 ArgoUML saves the diagram information in a PGML file (with extension .pgml,
the model information in an XMI file (with extension .xmi and information about the project in a file with extension .argo.
 See Section, “
Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) ” and Section, “XMI” for more about PGML and XMI respectively.
All of these are then zipped to a file with extension .zargo. You can easily extract the .xmi file from the .zargo file using any old generic ZIP application. Give it a try and look into the magic of Argo.

db primary key relationship super candidate primary alternate foreign partial composite unique surrogate secondary key



YabLoc Open source visual localization onnxruntime deep CUDA cuDNN vision MiDaS SageMaker Depth Estimation





onnxruntime deep CUDA cuDNN  vision MiDaS SageMaker Depth Estimation








 YabLoc Open source visual localization


