2023年5月29日 星期一

recurBOY a rpi0 video-instrument – created in collaboration with Guergana Tzatchkova

 ou used to need a lot of equipment to be a video DJ. Now you can do it all with a Raspberry Pi Zero and [cyberboy666]’s recurBOY. And if you missed out on the 1970’s video-editing psychedelia, now’s your chance to catch up – recurBOY is a modern video synth with all of the bells and whistles, and it’ll fit in your pocket. Check out [cyberboy666]’s demo video if you don’t yet know what you’re getting into. (Embedded below.)




Mangle Videos With RecurBOY And A Raspberry Pi Zero | Hackaday



cyberboy666/recurBOY: a rpi0 video-instrument – created in collaboration with Guergana Tzatchkova


r_e_c_u_r is an embedded python/openframeworks application on raspberry pi3 that uses input from the keypad to control video while displaying a simple text ui on a rpi lcd screen

cyberboy666/r_e_c_u_r: an open diy py/pi based video sampler


Raspberry Pi based video gear - wiki - scanlines


cyberboy666/i_n_c_u_r: a r_e_c_u_r video sampler extension circuit - adding knobs, cv and serial midi control



Raspberry Pi based video gear - Equipment - lines


Sensors | Free Full-Text | Review of Capacitive Touchscreen Technologies: Overview, Research Trends, and Machine Learning Approaches

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