2023年6月8日 星期四

toolkit uml generator code orm object-relational mapping er diagram class diagram synchronization

 Synchronize Abstract Persistable Class to ERD 


plantuml file .puml .pu .plantuml, .iuml plantuml for *.pu, *.uml, *.puml, *.iuml or *.plantuml 

ArgoUML compressed project file  extension  .zargo-file

 diagram information in a PGML file (with extension .pgml, the model information in an XMI



 ArgoUML saves the diagram information in a PGML file (with extension .pgml,
the model information in an XMI file (with extension .xmi and information about the project in a file with extension .argo.
 See Section, “
Precision Graphics Markup Language (PGML) ” and Section, “XMI” for more about PGML and XMI respectively.
All of these are then zipped to a file with extension .zargo. You can easily extract the .xmi file from the .zargo file using any old generic ZIP application. Give it a try and look into the magic of Argo.
