2023年9月14日 星期四



麵食料理 麵條 陽春麵 乾麵 炒麵

黃麵 白粗麵 白細麵 拉麵 冬粉 韓式年糕 粿仔條米粉 米苔目 炸意麵 粄條

 炸醬 芝麻醬 油蔥 肉燥  烏醋 油蔥   炸醬 麻醬 沙茶醬 海鮮醬  番茄肉醬 白醬 青醬 咖哩 川味辣 鳳梨起司 泡菜

 鮮蝦餛飩麵 大滷麵 排骨酥麵 榨菜肉絲麵 三寶牛肉麵  味噌叉燒麵 金瓜米粉

 酸菜 榨菜


湯 海帶豆芽湯 海帶蛋花湯 酸辣湯 竹筍湯  扁魚白菜湯 香菇貢丸湯 金針湯

  貢丸湯 魚丸湯 青菜豆腐湯 酸菜豬血湯 苦瓜排骨湯 酸菜豬肚湯

  隔間肉湯 豬肝湯 肉片湯 綜合湯


番薯 芋頭 蓮藕 菱角


水煮肉 骨仔肉 嘴邊肉 隔間肉 五花肉 肝連 大小腸 生腸 粉腸 脆管 鴨肉 豬腳

魯味 豬頭皮 豬耳朵 魯花生 魯海帶 

 魯油豆腐 魯豆輪 魯豆皮 滷豆干 豆干絲 

 魯貢丸 魯蛋 魯大腸 魯五花

皮蛋豆腐 雞捲 花枝丸 蝦捲 蒜泥 燙青菜 燙韭菜豆芽 南乳炸雞

 涼拌小菜 雞蛋 小黃瓜 胡蘿蔔 豆芽 洋蔥


菇類 金針菇 香菇 杏鮑菇 蘑菇 鴻喜菇 秀珍菇 猴頭菇 木耳 銀耳 洋菇 草菇 美白菇 柳松菇 


DotNet-Framework. Zeus Framework



The whole Zeus-Framework is built out of following software libraries:

    ZeusBase: Basic library of the C++ Framework for general use. Contains classes for data types, XML, multithreading, networking, RMI for C++, messaging and much more.

    ZeusMath: Mathematical library of the Zeus-Framework. It includes classes for mathematical basics, geometry, signal processing, artificial inteligence, fuzzy logic etc.

    ZeusPerv: Pervasive Computing library. This is actually the implementation of the hardware management and software distribution based on Cell Computing Model, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing.

    ZeusImg: Perception library of the Zeus-Framework. Nowadays it includes image processing only. Implements datatypes, filters and kernels specialized for signal processing.

    ZeusRobot: Robotics library of the Zeus-Framework. Currently only the NXT robot is supported.

There are lots of examples documented within this project site. See Education/Zeus-Framework. 

    ZeusBase: Basic library of the C# Framework for general use. Contains classes for data types, XML, multithreading, networking, messaging and much more.

    ZeusUI.WPF: Zeus User Interface based on WPF technology.
