function MethodPropToStr: string; var Value: TMethod; Root: TComponent; begin Value := GetMethodProp(Instance, PropInfo); if Value.Code <> nil then begin if Instance is TForm then Root := TComponent(Instance) else Root := TComponent(Instance).Owner; Result := Root.MethodName(Value.Code); end else begin Result := ''; end; end;
begin begin PropType := PropInfo^.PropType^; case PropType^.Kind of tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkSet: Result := OrdPropToStr; tkFloat: Result := FloatPropToStr; tkString,tkLString: Result := StrPropToStr; tkClass: Result := ClassPropToStr; tkMethod: Result := MethodPropToStr; else Result := 'Unknown'; end; end; end;
{TObjInfo} constructor TObjInfo.Create(Instance: TObject); begin HaveInstance:= False; if Assigned(Instance) then begin FInstance:= Instance; FName:= Instance.ClassName; ListUpProps(Instance); end; end;
destructor TObjInfo.Destroy; begin if HaveInstance then FreeMem(FPropList, PropCount * SizeOf(Pointer));
inherited Destroy; end;
function TObjInfo.GetItems(Index:Integer):TMyPropInfo; var PropInfo: PPropInfo; PropType: PTypeInfo; PropName, PropValue: string; begin PropInfo := FPropList^[Index]; if PropInfo = nil then begin Raise Exception.Create('Invalid Index'); Exit; end; PropName := PropInfo^.Name; Result.Name:= PropName; PropValue := PropValueToStr(TPersistent(FInstance),PropInfo); Result.Value:= PropValue; PropType := PropInfo^.PropType^; Result.Kind:= PropType^.Kind; end;
function TObjInfo.IndexOfProp(const S:String):Integer; var i:integer; St:TStringList; begin St:=TStringList.Create; for i:= 0 to FCount -1 do St.Add(Self[i].Name);
Result:= St.IndexOf(S); St.Free; end;
procedure TObjInfo.ListUpProps(Instance:TObject); begin FCount := GetTypeData(Instance.ClassInfo)^.PropCount; if FCount > 0 then begin GetMem(FPropList, FCount * SizeOf(Pointer)); HaveInstance:= True; try GetPropInfos(Instance.ClassInfo, FPropList); except end; end; end;
unit DsnInfo;
// Runtime Design System Version 2.x June/08/1998 // Copyright(c) 1998 Kazuhiro Sasaki.
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, Controls, Dialogs, TypInfo;
TMyPropInfo = record Name:String; Value:String; Kind: TTypeKind; end;
TObjInfo = class private FInstance:TObject; FName: String; FCount:Integer; FPropList: PPropList; HaveInstance:Boolean; procedure ListUpProps(Instance:TObject); function GetItems(Index:Integer):TMyPropInfo; public constructor Create(Instance: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; function IndexOfProp(const S:String):Integer; property Name:String read FName; property Items[Index:Integer]: TMyPropInfo read GetItems; default; property PropCount: Integer read FCount; end;
function PropValueToStr(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo):string;
type TIntegerSet = set of 0..SizeOf(Integer) * 8 - 1;
function PropValueToStr(Instance: TPersistent; PropInfo: PPropInfo):string; var PropType: PTypeInfo;
function SetPropToStr(Value: Cardinal):string; var I: Integer; BaseType: PTypeInfo; begin BaseType := GetTypeData(PropType)^.CompType^; Result := '['; for I := 0 to 15 do if I in TIntegerSet(Value) then begin if Result <> '[' then Result := Result + ','; Result := Result + GetEnumName(BaseType, I); end; Result := Result + ']'; end;
function OrdPropToStr:string; var Value: Longint; begin Value := GetOrdProp(Instance, PropInfo); case PropType^.Kind of tkInteger: Result := IntToStr(Value); tkChar: Result := Chr(Value); tkSet: Result := SetPropToStr(Value); tkEnumeration: Result := GetEnumName(PropType, Value); end; end;
function FloatPropToStr:string; var Value: Extended; begin Value := GetFloatProp(Instance, PropInfo); Result := FloatToStr(Value); end;
function StrPropToStr:string; begin Result := GetStrProp(Instance, PropInfo); end;
function ClassPropToStr:string; var Component: TComponent; begin if GetTypeData(PropInfo^.PropType^)^.ClassType.InheritsFrom(TComponent) then begin Component := TComponent(GetOrdProp(Instance, PropInfo)); if Component = nil then Result := '' else Result := Component.Name; end else begin FmtStr(Result, '(%s)', [PropInfo^.PropType^.Name]); end; end;
必須引用一個別人寫的物件 只有以下是我寫的 //****************************************************************************** procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); //********************************************* function objins(Sender: TObject):TStringList; const KindTYPE : array [0..17] of string =('Unknown','Integer', 'Char', 'Enumeration', 'Float', 'String' , 'Set', 'Class', 'Method', 'WChar', 'LString', 'WString', 'Variant','Array', 'Record', 'Interface', 'Int64', 'DynArray'); var AObjInfo : TObjInfo; i :Integer; S :String; STR :TStringList; begin AObjInfo := TObjInfo.Create(sender); STR:= TStringList.Create; //STR.Add('Object'+' '+AObjInfo.Name); //STR.Add(' '+'begin'); for i := 0 to AObjInfo.PropCount-1 do begin S:=' '; if AObjInfo.Items[i].Value <> '' then begin //如果是空資料就不顯示 S:=S+''+ AObjInfo.Items[0].Value; S:=S+'_'+ KindTYPE[Ord(AObjInfo.Items[i].Kind)]; S:=S+'_'+ AObjInfo.Items[i].Name +' = '+ AObjInfo.Items[i].Value; S:=S+';'; //+' , '+ IntToStr(Ord(AObjInfo.Items[i].Kind)) STR.Add(S); end; end; //STR.Add(' '+'end'); Result := STR ; end; //********************************************* begin Memo1.Lines.Text :=objins(Sender).Text; end; //******************************************************************************
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); //********************************************* procedure AddToTreeView(ATreeNode : TTreeNode ; APanel: TPanel); var i: integer; TmpTreeNode: TTreeNode; begin for i := 0 to APanel.ControlCount - 1 do begin TmpTreeNode := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(ATreeNode, APanel.Controls[i].Name,APanel.Controls[i]); //TmpTreeNode := TreeView1.Items.AddChild(ATreeNode, APanel.Controls[i].Name); if APanel.Controls[i] is TCustomControl then AddToTreeView(TmpTreeNode, TPanel(APanel.Controls[i])) end; end; //********************************************* var i: integer; tn, TmpTreeNode: TTreeNode; begin tn := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, Panel1.Caption); for i := 0 to Panel1.ControlCount - 1 do begin TmpTreeNode := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(tn, Panel1.Controls[i].Name ,Panel1.Controls[i]); if Panel1.Controls[i] is TPanel then begin AddToTreeView(TmpTreeNode, TPanel(Panel1.Controls[i])) end; end; end; //****************************************************************************** procedure TForm1.TreeView1DblClick(Sender: TObject); begin Button2Click(TObject(TreeView1.Selected.Data)); end; |