2015年10月29日 星期四

大型 綜合 開源硬體 社群 Open Source Ecology 開放 硬體 設計圖 農場 水耕 漁場 鍋爐 建築 能源 農耕機 挖土機 發電機 原生地 Habitat 農業 Agriculture 工業 Industry 能源 Energy 原物料 Materials 交通 Transportation

大型 綜合 開源硬體 社群 Open Source Ecology   開放 硬體 設計圖 農場 水耕 漁場 魚菜 共生 鍋爐 建築 能源 農耕機 挖土機 發電機  原生地 Habitat 農業 Agriculture 工業 Industry 能源 Energy 原物料 Materials 交通 Transportation

大型 綜合 開源硬體 社群  Open Source Ecology  

Open Source Ecology is incorporated as a nonprofit organization in the State of Missouri, USA.

Our strategy is to develop education and research for the common good. Our goal is open enterprise, so we develop, test, and publish open business models.

The nonprofit sector allows us to generate revenue from related product sales – which are used to test our innovative production models – while allowing us to capture donations and foundation funding to accelerate our development. As such, we see ourselves as a hybrid organization.
在非營利部門使我們能夠生成相關產品的銷售收入 - 這是用來測試我們的創新生產模式 - 同時讓我們捕捉到的捐款和基金會的資助,加快我們的發展。因此,我們把自己看作是一個混合組織。

Open Source Blueprints for Civilization. Build Yourself.
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration.
我們正在開發可用於商業成本的一小部分進行開源的工業機器,並在網上分享我們的設計是免費的。開源生態的目標是創建一個開放源碼的經濟 - 一種高效經濟而通過開放協作提高創新能力。


Ted talk 2011




Tad talk 2011

Power cube 利用引擎 產生 提供 液壓 液體壓力輸出 讓你 可以來輸出 推動其他機械

Affnan's Aquaponics
  • Innovating Urban Agrostyle Towards Greener Living
    Affnan's Valve - A Detailed Explanations of A Simple Item

    First of all I would like to point out that, siphon had been around for a long time dated few hundred years ago. Siphon usage ranging from transferring fluid from one container to another right to flushing the toilet.

    Most usage of siphon involved a fixed amount of fluid to be transfer to another container, such usage of siphon don't require it to be operating continuously without human intervention. Toilet flush for example require human input to create the flushing effect from a siphon mechanism, and the flushing stop when cistern is depleted of water. Continuous operation of these siphon are not needed.
