2023年11月6日 星期一

机器学习算法 - Py学习 Py学习 » 机器学习算法

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追问Daily|SpikingJelly:基于尖峰神经网络的开源机器学习平台;​阿里云发布通义千问 ;​慢波睡眠不足与痴呆症

 Efficient Scaling of Dynamic Graph Neural Networks
 Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy,Shivmaran S. Pandian,Saurabh Raje,Yogish Sabharwal,Toyotaro Suzumura,Shashanka Ubaru
 IBM Research, India,  IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
 Conference version to appear in the proceedings of SC'21
 We present distributed algorithms for training dynamic Graph Neural Networks (GNN) on large scale graphs spanning multi-node, multi-GPU systems. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scaling study on dynamic GNN. We devise mechanisms for reducing the GPU memory usage and identify two execution time bottlenecks: CPU-GPU data transfer; and communication volume. Exploiting properties of dynamic graphs, we design a graph difference-based strategy to significantly reduce the transfer time. We develop a simple, but effective data distribution technique under which the communication volume remains fixed and linear in the input size, for any number of GPUs. Our experiments using billion-size graphs on a system of 128 GPUs shows that: (i) the distribution scheme achieves up to 30x speedup on 128 GPUs; (ii) the graph-difference technique reduces the transfer time by a factor of up to 4.1x and the overall execution time by up to 40%

 SPIN Road Mapper: Extracting Roads from Aerial Images via Spatial and  Interaction Space Graph Reasoning for Autonomous Driving
 Spin Road Mapper:基于空间和交互空间图推理的自动驾驶航拍道路提取
 Wele Gedara Chaminda Bandara,Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu,Vishal M. Patel
机构:Authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering,  The Johns Hopkins University
 Road extraction is an essential step in building autonomous navigation systems. Detecting road segments is challenging as they are of varying widths, bifurcated throughout the image, and are often occluded by terrain, cloud, or other weather conditions. Using just convolution neural networks (ConvNets) for this problem is not effective as it is inefficient at capturing distant dependencies between road segments in the image which is essential to extract road connectivity. To this end, we propose a Spatial and Interaction Space Graph Reasoning (SPIN) module which when plugged into a ConvNet performs reasoning over graphs constructed on spatial and interaction spaces projected from the feature maps. Reasoning over spatial space extracts dependencies between different spatial regions and other contextual information. Reasoning over a projected interaction space helps in appropriate delineation of roads from other topographies present in the image. Thus, SPIN extracts long-range dependencies between road segments and effectively delineates roads from other semantics. We also introduce a SPIN pyramid which performs SPIN graph reasoning across multiple scales to extract multi-scale features. We propose a network based on stacked hourglass modules and SPIN pyramid for road segmentation which achieves better performance compared to existing methods. Moreover, our method is computationally efficient and significantly boosts the convergence speed during training, making it feasible for applying on large-scale high-resolution aerial images. Code available at: https://github.com/wgcban/SPIN_RoadMapper.git.

 Comparing Euclidean and Hyperbolic Embeddings on the WordNet Nouns  Hypernymy Graph
 Sameer Bansal,Adrian Benton
机构:Bloomberg,  Lexington Ave, New York, NY , USA
 Nickel and Kiela (2017) present a new method for embedding tree nodes in the Poincare ball, and suggest that these hyperbolic embeddings are far more effective than Euclidean embeddings at embedding nodes in large, hierarchically structured graphs like the WordNet nouns hypernymy tree. This is especially true in low dimensions (Nickel and Kiela, 2017, Table 1). In this work, we seek to reproduce their experiments on embedding and reconstructing the WordNet nouns hypernymy graph. Counter to what they report, we find that Euclidean embeddings are able to represent this tree at least as well as Poincare embeddings, when allowed at least 50 dimensions. We note that this does not diminish the significance of their work given the impressive performance of hyperbolic embeddings in very low-dimensional settings. However, given the wide influence of their work, our aim here is to present an updated and more accurate comparison between the Euclidean and hyperbolic embeddings.

 RaWaNet: Enriching Graph Neural Network Input via Random Walks on Graphs
 Anahita Iravanizad,Edgar Ivan Sanchez Medina,Martin Stoll
 In recent years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained increasing popularity and have shown very promising results for data that are represented by graphs. The majority of GNN architectures are designed based on developing new convolutional and/or pooling layers that better extract the hidden and deeper representations of the graphs to be used for different prediction tasks. The inputs to these layers are mainly the three default descriptors of a graph, node features $(X)$, adjacency matrix $(A)$, and edge features $(W)$ (if available). To provide a more enriched input to the network, we propose a random walk data processing of the graphs based on three selected lengths. Namely, (regular) walks of length 1 and 2, and a fractional walk of length $\gamma \in (0,1)$, in order to capture the different local and global dynamics on the graphs. We also calculate the stationary distribution of each random walk, which is then used as a scaling factor for the initial node features ($X$). This way, for each graph, the network receives multiple adjacency matrices along with their individual weighting for the node features. We test our method on various molecular datasets by passing the processed node features to the network in order to perform several classification and regression tasks. Interestingly, our method, not using edge features which are heavily exploited in molecular graph learning, let a shallow network outperform well known deep GNNs.


  An End-to-End Transformer Model for 3D Object Detection
 Ishan Misra,Rohit Girdhar,Armand Joulin
机构:Facebook AI Research
 Accepted at ICCV 2021
 We propose 3DETR, an end-to-end Transformer based object detection model for 3D point clouds. Compared to existing detection methods that employ a number of 3D-specific inductive biases, 3DETR requires minimal modifications to the vanilla Transformer block. Specifically, we find that a standard Transformer with non-parametric queries and Fourier positional embeddings is competitive with specialized architectures that employ libraries of 3D-specific operators with hand-tuned hyperparameters. Nevertheless, 3DETR is conceptually simple and easy to implement, enabling further improvements by incorporating 3D domain knowledge. Through extensive experiments, we show 3DETR outperforms the well-established and highly optimized VoteNet baselines on the challenging ScanNetV2 dataset by 9.5%. Furthermore, we show 3DETR is applicable to 3D tasks beyond detection, and can serve as a building block for future research.


【1】 Zero-Shot Open Information Extraction using Question Generation and  Reading Comprehension
 Himanshu Gupta,Amogh Badugu,Tamanna Agrawal,Himanshu Sharad Bhatt
机构:American Express, AI Labs, Bangalore, India, Himanshu S. Bhatt
 8 pages, 2 Figures, 1 Algorithm, 7 Tables. Accepted in KDD Workshop on Machine Learning in Finance 2021
 Typically, Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) focuses on extracting triples, representing a subject, a relation, and the object of the relation. However, most of the existing techniques are based on a predefined set of relations in each domain which limits their applicability to newer domains where these relations may be unknown such as financial documents. This paper presents a zero-shot open information extraction technique that extracts the entities (value) and their descriptions (key) from a sentence, using off the shelf machine reading comprehension (MRC) Model. The input questions to this model are created using a novel noun phrase generation method. This method takes the context of the sentence into account and can create a wide variety of questions making our technique domain independent. Given the questions and the sentence, our technique uses the MRC model to extract entities (value). The noun phrase corresponding to the question, with the highest confidence, is taken as the description (key).  This paper also introduces the EDGAR10-Q dataset which is based on publicly available financial documents from corporations listed in US securities and exchange commission (SEC). The dataset consists of paragraphs, tagged values (entities), and their keys (descriptions) and is one of the largest among entity extraction datasets. This dataset will be a valuable addition to the research community, especially in the financial domain. Finally, the paper demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed technique on the EDGAR10-Q and Ade corpus drug dosage datasets, where it obtained 86.84 % and 97% accuracy, respectively.

 Membership Inference Attacks Against Recommender Systems
 Minxing Zhang,Zhaochun Ren,Zihan Wang,Pengjie Ren,Zhumin Chen,Pengfei Hu,Yang Zhang
机构:Shandong University, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
 Recently, recommender systems have achieved promising performances and become one of the most widely used web applications. However, recommender systems are often trained on highly sensitive user data, thus potential data leakage from recommender systems may lead to severe privacy problems.  In this paper, we make the first attempt on quantifying the privacy leakage of recommender systems through the lens of membership inference. In contrast with traditional membership inference against machine learning classifiers, our attack faces two main differences. First, our attack is on the user-level but not on the data sample-level. Second, the adversary can only observe the ordered recommended items from a recommender system instead of prediction results in the form of posterior probabilities. To address the above challenges, we propose a novel method by representing users from relevant items. Moreover, a shadow recommender is established to derive the labeled training data for training the attack model. Extensive experimental results show that our attack framework achieves a strong performance. In addition, we design a defense mechanism to effectively mitigate the membership inference threat of recommender systems.

 KnowMAN: Weakly Supervised Multinomial Adversarial Networks
 Luisa März,Ehsaneddin Asgari,Fabienne Braune,Franziska Zimmermann,Benjamin Roth
机构:⋄ Digital Philology, Research Group Data Mining and Machine Learning, University of Vienna, Austria, † NLP Expert Center, Data:Lab, Volkswagen AG, Munich, Germany
 9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, accepted to EMNLP 2021
 The absence of labeled data for training neural models is often addressed by leveraging knowledge about the specific task, resulting in heuristic but noisy labels. The knowledge is captured in labeling functions, which detect certain regularities or patterns in the training samples and annotate corresponding labels for training. This process of weakly supervised training may result in an over-reliance on the signals captured by the labeling functions and hinder models to exploit other signals or to generalize well. We propose KnowMAN, an adversarial scheme that enables to control influence of signals associated with specific labeling functions. KnowMAN forces the network to learn representations that are invariant to those signals and to pick up other signals that are more generally associated with an output label. KnowMAN strongly improves results compared to direct weakly supervised learning with a pre-trained transformer language model and a feature-based baseline.

