2023年11月6日 星期一

drone helicopter rotorcraft Vertical large propeller Tiltrotor



drone helicopter rotorcraft

 Vertical large propeller Tiltrotor

Tilt Rotors, Pusher Helicopters Coming
 Mathematics | Free Full-Text | Numerical Simulation of Rotor–Wing Transient Interaction for a Tiltrotor in the Transition Mode
Study of RCS characteristics of tilt-rotor aircraft based on dynamic calculation approach - ScienceDirect
Bell's Plan To Finally Realize A Rotorcraft That Flies Like A Jet But Hovers Like A Helicopter
Flight control and flight experiments of a tilt-propeller VTOL UAV - Zafer Öznalbant, Mehmet Ş. Kavsaoğlu, 2018

Fire Detection xtinguishing
Prop rotor Aerodynamics Materials Bearings HUMS
Airframe/Wing Efficient Structures High System Integration Advanced Dynamic Requirements HUMS
A platform to advance technology
Drive System Advanced materials Oil less capability High efficiency Noise reduction Low cost  HUMS
Advanced Electrical Systems High Speed brushless generators/motors Solid state high voltage distribution Efficient DC/DC converters
Fuel System Crashworty wet wing Lightning protection
Systems and Sensors for low airspeed and AoA
Engine Variable speed ; Tiltable operation Inlet protection? ^^^ Exhaust
Management Nacelle Integration Integroted system monitoring & control
Rotor Brake
Electrical ECS Pressurisation
Noise Reduction
Equipment and Furnishing
 Active and Passive Noise Supression Aerodynamics Cockpit ft ^Structures and Layout
Avionics Effective situationol awareness in \
confined areas Landing Gear Auto taxi
FCS Actuation Power Systems Electncal/Hydroulics
Innovative De icing
fl Systems £ Airframe [£J Rotors Clean Sky

Civil Tiltrotor NGCTR Fire Detection xtinguishing Prop rotor Aerodynamics Materials Bearings HUMS Airframe/Wing x Efficient Structures High System Integration Advanced Dynamic Requirements HUMS A platform to advance technology Drive System Advanced materials Oil less capability High efficiency Noise reduction Low cost  HUMS  Advanced Electrical Systems High Speed brushless generators/motors Solid state high voltage distribution Efficient DC/DC converters

Wing Structure of the Next-Generation Civil Tiltrotor: From Concept to Preliminary Design
Dynamic Modeling and Control for Tilt-Rotor UAV Based on 3D Flow Field Transient CFD
Structural Scalability Preliminary Studies for the Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor Composite Wing


A Review on Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Tilt-Rotor and Tilt Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Muraoka et al. investigated the Quad Tilt Wing (QTW) VTOL UAV, which comprises tandem tilt wings with propellers attached in the middle of each wing (span-wise) and whose configurations have a high potential for hybrid UAVs. In order to perform civil UAV activities, the QTW (Quad Tilt Wing) VTOL UAV has been under development by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA),


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