2015年10月28日 星期三

開放原始碼 開源 汽車 資料 收集



高價品 50000元2000個零件

/The Open Source Car by Local Motors • March 19th, 2010 • 3 CommentsThe last SXSW session Paul and I caught before leaving Austin was called “No Straight Lines: Straight Line Thinking Stops Here” given by Alan Moore (@alansmlxl).






RiversimpleFrom Wikipedia,
the free encyclopediaRiversimple is a United Kingdom-based transportation company focused on producing environmentally conscious automobiles. It is based in Llandrindod Wells, a town in Wales, where there is a research & development centre and the company's offices. Additionally the company has a design studio in Barcelona in Spain.



OScar - Release 0.2




It is the goal of the OScar Project to develop a car according to Open Source principles. In our opinion, a car is not a vehicle full of high-tech gadgets. Instead, we are looking for a simple and functional concept to spread mobility. Form follows function.
Apart from that, OScar is not just a car. It is about new ways of mobility and the spreading of the Open Source idea in the real (physical) world. On this website, you will find a great community of developers and drivers who want to invent mobility anew and together.
The project started in 1999. In December 2005, it reached release 0.2. Starting in 2006, everyone is welcome to participate.


     Design Contribution Rel. 0.2 by Tiago Do Vale (2006)

Download Technology Review Article




Our partner Technology Review does not only spread nice words, TR also acts: They made the story “Mit Vollgas in die Krise” available for a free download for the OScar community. Unfortunately it is currently only available in German. From our point of view, this is the best and most comprehensive article written in 2005 that critically deals with the development of cars. We read a lot, but this article really encouraged us to continue.
OSVehicle’s Tabby EVO: Build This Open-Source EV in an Hour








    3d列印為主的車,提供工程圖,使用3d列印來製造車,附賣 3d 列印機

    The 40 Fires Foundation is a not-for-profit company that has been set up by Riversimple LLP to host the Hyrban project. The site is also available to host other open hardware projects. If you have a project and are interested in having it hosted by 40 Fires, please contact us.
    The Foundation is a separate legal entity and has three trustees, Adam BrettAnthony Dawton and Hugo Spowers. Hugo leads the Riversimple project; the other two trustees are independent.
    The funding for the Foundation is currently provided by Riversimple but the intention is that the Foundation will be self-supporting in the medium and long-term.

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    油漆教學影片 他教你把好好一張 小 桌子 油漆 塗成 大理石 花紋 diy 與 自造者 的 木工 時間 diy 與 自造者 的 木工 時間

    油漆教學影片 他教你把好好一張 小  桌子 油漆 塗成 大理石 花紋



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    3D printed battery: new smart inks to produce lithium-ion microbatterces 3d 列印 電池 新的 墨水 可以讓你印出 超微小的電池

    3D printed battery: new smart inks to produce lithium-ion microbatterces 3d 列印  電池 新的 墨水 可以讓你印出 超微小的電池

    Originally published on January 03, 2014

    A new kind of "smart ink" developed by Harvard scientist Jennifer Lewis, head of the university's Lewis Lab, could enable traditional 3D printers to print tiny battery electrodes the size less than a human hair.

    To make the ink, nanoparticles of lithium titanium oxide are added to a vial of deionized water and ethylene glycol. Ceramic balls are used as agitators to break down the particles. The mixture is spun for 24 hours, after which the balls and larger particles are removed using filters and a centrifuge. The resulting ink is placed in a syringe, which is then inserted into a high-pressure dispenser housed in a traditional 3D printer. The custom-made syringe's nozzle tips, as small as one micrometer wide at the opening, allow precise patterning.

    The ink is solid under normal conditions, but liquefies under high pressure, so it returns to solid form once it leaves the syringe. The ink is used to print the battery's anode and cathode layer by layer following digital instructions. Finally, a case filled with electrolyte solutions encloses the electrodes to create a working lithium-ion microbatteries.

    Using this technology, microbatteries could be in between other components to help reduce the size of the gadgets. The microbatteries could supply electricity to tiny devices in fields from medicine to communications, including many that currently only exist in labs because batteries currently available on the market are either not small enough or lack sufficient energy to power them.

    3d 列印  電池

    google 翻譯








    In this video I replicate LaserSaber's copper-magnesium battery. Want to see his original experiment? Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSdu1...

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    August 2013 update: Unfortunately, James Watt (in England) stopped making his paper-craft kits, and several videos I included here featuring Theo Jansen, have been removed from youtube; but you can watch the videos below to see other models based on Theo Jansen's mechanism (and search Google and Youtube for more current examples...)


    1.This model was built by a person in France entirely with Lego's electronic mechanical kit(s).
    2. This video is a brief (51 sec) simulation of Theo Jansen's Mechanism using Geometer's Sketchpad 4... 528,000 views.
    3. These videos use CAD software to visualize the model and it movement:

    mechanism Kinetic horse 機械馬 機械結構 樂高

    樂高 時鐘

    開放原始碼 開源 小火車 控制電路


    開放原始碼 開源 小火車 控制電路




    Model train remote-controlled through Bluetooth Low Energy
    • 1 COMMENT
    • 9 RESPECTS

    Our code is open source. Check it out on our bitbucket repository

    專案分三塊 可以有led 場景燈,使用 低功率 藍芽 控制 led 場景燈,可以控制小火車

    另外使用python 來從網路 控制javascript 的藍牙

    Software - How it works (on the PC)

    Everything in our system is handled by our so-called "Central Station". Concretely, it's an application (a series of programs) that runs on a computer and that does two main things: 
    1. Receive commands from either the user directly, or the intelligence module (see below). 
    1. Forward orders to the circuit through BLE.
    For the first point, we have a program written in Python that receives commands through websockets
    For the second point, we use noble, a node.js module for BLE on Linux. This part is written in Javascript. 
    The two modules communicate using the AMQP protocol. The AMQP (模組間通訊)impelmentation we use is RabbitMQ.
    See the image-widget below for a sum-up of our global architecture. 

    What is the intelligence module? 

    Don't forget to check out our code on bitbucket.

    Awesome. I would support this on kickstarter if possible to get small enough for some N-Scale, although for many engines would probably need a permanently couple car to engine for the bits - that car could be a kickstarter option.

    I'm just starting with the nRF51822 BLE at work, probably going to use one of the existing tiny modules to speed the prototypes along as they have the antenna and crystals handled. They cost about $20 but make hand assembly easier for experiments: 
    - Fujitsu: MBH7BLZ02-109004, tiny, http://www.fujitsu.com/us/services/edevices/components/wireless-modules/bluetooth/tmpl_parts_mbh7blz02_109004.html
    - IMM-NRF51822: 23x17mm, http://www.i-syst.com/pdf/IMM-NRF51822_Flyer.pdf
    - Atomwear: Many Modules, post kickstarter now available by email order, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/343910040/atomwear
    - Maybe more??

    Looking forward to updates.

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    AVLoadingIndicatorView 在下載中 下載進度條  忙碌中 gui ui 動畫 



    AVLoadingIndicatorView is a collection of nice loading animations for Android.
    You can also find IOS version of this here.


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