2015年10月28日 星期三

開放原始碼 開源 小火車 控制電路


開放原始碼 開源 小火車 控制電路




Model train remote-controlled through Bluetooth Low Energy

Our code is open source. Check it out on our bitbucket repository

專案分三塊 可以有led 場景燈,使用 低功率 藍芽 控制 led 場景燈,可以控制小火車

另外使用python 來從網路 控制javascript 的藍牙

Software - How it works (on the PC)

Everything in our system is handled by our so-called "Central Station". Concretely, it's an application (a series of programs) that runs on a computer and that does two main things: 
  1. Receive commands from either the user directly, or the intelligence module (see below). 
  1. Forward orders to the circuit through BLE.
For the first point, we have a program written in Python that receives commands through websockets
For the second point, we use noble, a node.js module for BLE on Linux. This part is written in Javascript. 
The two modules communicate using the AMQP protocol. The AMQP (模組間通訊)impelmentation we use is RabbitMQ.
See the image-widget below for a sum-up of our global architecture. 

What is the intelligence module? 

Don't forget to check out our code on bitbucket.

Awesome. I would support this on kickstarter if possible to get small enough for some N-Scale, although for many engines would probably need a permanently couple car to engine for the bits - that car could be a kickstarter option.

I'm just starting with the nRF51822 BLE at work, probably going to use one of the existing tiny modules to speed the prototypes along as they have the antenna and crystals handled. They cost about $20 but make hand assembly easier for experiments: 
- Fujitsu: MBH7BLZ02-109004, tiny, http://www.fujitsu.com/us/services/edevices/components/wireless-modules/bluetooth/tmpl_parts_mbh7blz02_109004.html
- IMM-NRF51822: 23x17mm, http://www.i-syst.com/pdf/IMM-NRF51822_Flyer.pdf
- Atomwear: Many Modules, post kickstarter now available by email order, https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/343910040/atomwear
- Maybe more??

Looking forward to updates.

