2015年11月30日 星期一

綠色 USB Portable 方便攜帶 便攜 軟體 程式 PortableApps.com

綠色 USB Portable 方便攜帶 便攜 軟體 程式
PortableApps.com首頁、文檔和下載 - 便攜軟件套裝 - 開源中國社區
PortableApps.com 可以讓你將你喜好的應用、所有的書簽、設置、郵件等等信息保存在可移動硬盤/U盤中,並可在任何一台 Windows 電腦上使用這些數據。

Portable Emulators | PortableApps.com - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
Home » Forums » General Forums » General Discussion Portable Emulators

可攜式軟體,或稱綠色軟體(英文稱為Portable Application、Portable Software),指一類小型軟體,多數為免費軟體,最大特點是軟體無需安裝便可使用,可存放於可移除式儲存媒體中(因此稱為可攜式軟體),移除後也不會將任何紀錄(登錄檔訊息等)留在本機電腦上。
A portable application (portable app), sometimes also called standalone, is a program designed to run on a compatible computer without being installed leaving the computer's configuration information intact. This type of application can be stored on any storage device, including internal mass storage and external storage such as USB drives and floppy disks – storing  ... its List of portable software
Portable application creators
Application virtualization
Spoon (software)
VMware ThinApp
Live USB
Windows To Go

Category:Portable software
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The main article for this category is Portable application.
Portable software which fulfill the criteria shown on List of portable software.

用 Cameyo 打包,大家都變成 綠色軟體 用 Cameyo 打包,大家都變成 綠色軟體 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西
Portable sandbox applications registry Dealing with the registry
The Portable Freeware Collection

Dealing with the registry
Many applications store their data in the registry; when making such an application portable this data must be preserved.

Making registry keys portable
With the PortableApps.com Launcher it’s easy to make a registry key that an application uses portable.

First of all, when using any of the registry sections in your launcher configuration file, you must set [Activate]:Registry to true, or else they will not work. If something doesn’t seem to be working, check that value first. You probably didn’t set it.

When you have an application that uses a key like HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AppName, you can make that portable with a line in the [RegistryKeys] section like this:

Program settings, User settings, File types, Application-specific paths, Shared DLLs, Uninstall settings

下載 整個網站 、 網頁與連結 離線閱讀 webCrawler, teleport, Spider Teleport Pro, spider, web spider, webspider, crawler, web crawler, webcrawler, offline browser, Tennyson, Maxwell software

下載 整個網站 、 網頁與連結 離線閱讀
webCrawler, teleport, Spider
Teleport Pro, spider,
web spider, webspider,
crawler, web crawler,
webcrawler, offline browser

TelePort PRO 中文版-網路瑞士刀 
Teleport Pro
Version 1.72

Price:  $49.95
‧軟體名稱:Teleport Pro (中文版)
‧作業系統:Windows 2000/Me/98/95/NT

‧語言界面: 繁體中文



古老的網路工具,包含 網路爬蟲
Sam Spade 1.14 - (Crawl website) Buffer OverFlow https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/38600/

使用delphi  TWebBrowser

2015年11月27日 星期五

Arduino Granular Synth 自製吉他音樂效果器

Arduino Granular Synth 自製吉他音樂效果器

Auduino - tinkerit - Details of the Auduino synthesiser - Open source releases from TinkerLondon and Tinker.it - Google Project Hosting
The Auduino is a sound synthesizer based on the Arduino platform. It works on all Arduinos running at 16MHz -
everything from the original Arduino serial to the Arduino Mega. It uses granular synthesis techniques to generate a distinctive filter-sweep sound that had much more character than boring square waves.
Auduino 是 音樂效果器 (合成器) ,以arduino 為基礎的平台,他工作在所有arduino 16Mhz 上 , 所有包含 原始系列到Mega版本,他用音效技術過濾轉變音樂,讓音波更多變化


關鍵字 , 單字
電子 Electric 合成 synthesizer 吉他 Guitar 效果Effects 訊號Single 吉他Granular 合成 synthesis

單晶片 AVR Arduino PIC

Kitto 是 資料庫 ADO / DAO ODBC 到 Apache 網路伺服器中間的架構, 經由Fast CGI 掛載 應用程式在網頁伺服器上 他藉由 ExtJS 的JavaScript 介面描述


Kitto at a glance

Kitto  是 資料庫 ADO / DAO ODBC 到 Apache 網路伺服器中間的架構, 經由Fast CGI 掛載 應用程式在網頁伺服器上
他藉由 ExtJS 的JavaScript 介面描述

Right now, Kitto is only at the beginning of its life, but... 
  • If you fancy about creating a web front-end for that 200-table database you have; 如果你想要網頁軟體 有200個資料頁
  • If you want it with a sophisticated Ajax-powered rich user interface, with features such as search, filtering, grouping, charts, etc.; 你需要商用資料表或是JavaScript的資料過濾
  • If you'd very much like to write your server-side business rules in Delphi; 
  • If you need to do it rapidly; 
  • If you feel like doing it with Open Source tools. 
If some or all of the above conditions are met, then a closer look at Kitto is in order. 

A closer look

Kitto is an engine for creating data-driven web applications. This means that Kitto offers tools to ease the creation of applications that display and allow to manipulate data stored in a database. It is made in Delphi, and it is mainly aimed at Delphi developers not wanting to learn the intricacies of HTML, CSS and Javascript but wanting to get the job done quickly. 
As such, Kitto is not a general-purpose tool for creating web sites. 
A Kitto application is based on a set of text files in yaml format called the Metadata. Metadata contains the mapped database objects (Models), the user interface descriptions (Views and Layouts) and the general configuration parameters such as database connection. A Kitto application may as well contain business rules and controllers (custom user interface elements) written in Delphi. 
Kitto roughly follows the MVC paradigm for data presentation. 
Kitto offers the following features for application development: 
  • Scalable 3-tier architecture. 三層式架構
  • Extensible metadata catalog based on yaml files. 可以外部插入功能
  • Database-agnostic data access. 
  • Modeling of database objects through Models. 模組化資料庫
  • Pluggable authentication mechanisms. 
  • Pluggable access control/user permission management mechanisms. 
  • Modeling of presentation (user interface) elements through Views and Layouts. 可以有 自動描述 使用者介面
  • Pre-defined and pluggable Controllers. 
  • Pervasive, pluggable macros throughout metadata. 插件與巨集
  • Built-in localization for multi-language applications. 可以多國語言
Kitto integrates with other tools to implement some of its features: 
  • ExtJS for the client-side user interface. 
  • ExtPascal for generating the ExtJS code and managing the communication with the web server. 
  • Apache as a web server, and FastCGI as the communication protocol. 
  • dxgettext for localization. 
For more information, please read the Getting started guide, download the source code and the examples, and if you have doubts just ask!


Frameworks (alphabetically)

2015年11月26日 星期四

自製 diy 遊戲搖桿 模擬器 snes nes neo geo mame video game Arcade ATmega16 arduino Game controller joystick Gamepad Joypad

USB 標準搖桿 滑鼠 鍵盤 模擬, 硬體 電路 , 模擬器 搖桿,
如果是 電腦, 你必須 是 標準搖桿 或是 模擬標準鍵盤 (不依賴外部驅動程式,因為模擬器可能抓不到非標準訊號)
mac osx 支援標準版設備

如果是單板電腦或是arduino 或是android 則適合藍芽bluetooth或是gpio,如果自製電路必須考慮“電器雜訊或是單晶片的速度在自動連按的速度”

Your one stop source for mame hardware, mame trackballs, mame joysticks, buttons, mame driving controls, light guns & accessories. Great service & free tech support.


原文AVR DDS Arduino Oscilloscope meter signal generator V2.0 - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.