2015年11月27日 星期五

Kitto 是 資料庫 ADO / DAO ODBC 到 Apache 網路伺服器中間的架構, 經由Fast CGI 掛載 應用程式在網頁伺服器上 他藉由 ExtJS 的JavaScript 介面描述


Kitto at a glance

Kitto  是 資料庫 ADO / DAO ODBC 到 Apache 網路伺服器中間的架構, 經由Fast CGI 掛載 應用程式在網頁伺服器上
他藉由 ExtJS 的JavaScript 介面描述

Right now, Kitto is only at the beginning of its life, but... 
  • If you fancy about creating a web front-end for that 200-table database you have; 如果你想要網頁軟體 有200個資料頁
  • If you want it with a sophisticated Ajax-powered rich user interface, with features such as search, filtering, grouping, charts, etc.; 你需要商用資料表或是JavaScript的資料過濾
  • If you'd very much like to write your server-side business rules in Delphi; 
  • If you need to do it rapidly; 
  • If you feel like doing it with Open Source tools. 
If some or all of the above conditions are met, then a closer look at Kitto is in order. 

A closer look

Kitto is an engine for creating data-driven web applications. This means that Kitto offers tools to ease the creation of applications that display and allow to manipulate data stored in a database. It is made in Delphi, and it is mainly aimed at Delphi developers not wanting to learn the intricacies of HTML, CSS and Javascript but wanting to get the job done quickly. 
As such, Kitto is not a general-purpose tool for creating web sites. 
A Kitto application is based on a set of text files in yaml format called the Metadata. Metadata contains the mapped database objects (Models), the user interface descriptions (Views and Layouts) and the general configuration parameters such as database connection. A Kitto application may as well contain business rules and controllers (custom user interface elements) written in Delphi. 
Kitto roughly follows the MVC paradigm for data presentation. 
Kitto offers the following features for application development: 
  • Scalable 3-tier architecture. 三層式架構
  • Extensible metadata catalog based on yaml files. 可以外部插入功能
  • Database-agnostic data access. 
  • Modeling of database objects through Models. 模組化資料庫
  • Pluggable authentication mechanisms. 
  • Pluggable access control/user permission management mechanisms. 
  • Modeling of presentation (user interface) elements through Views and Layouts. 可以有 自動描述 使用者介面
  • Pre-defined and pluggable Controllers. 
  • Pervasive, pluggable macros throughout metadata. 插件與巨集
  • Built-in localization for multi-language applications. 可以多國語言
Kitto integrates with other tools to implement some of its features: 
  • ExtJS for the client-side user interface. 
  • ExtPascal for generating the ExtJS code and managing the communication with the web server. 
  • Apache as a web server, and FastCGI as the communication protocol. 
  • dxgettext for localization. 
For more information, please read the Getting started guide, download the source code and the examples, and if you have doubts just ask!


Frameworks (alphabetically)

