2024年1月12日 星期五

Static linking of Bassmod in Delphi | Life In Hex DLL LIB OBJ


 Static linking of Bassmod in Delphi

Convert DLL to LIB

Well, this step is easy. Use DLL2LIB (google "DLL.To.Lib.v1.42.Full.Retail-DLL2Lib" or get trial version from official site), leave all the default settings and press "Start convert".

Extract OBJ files from LIB

For next few steps you'll need objconv.exe by Agner Fog. It's better to download the latest version, as earlier versions didn't support extracting LIB files.

It's a simple command objconv.exe -lx bass.lib
Convert COFF OBJ files to OMF OBJ files

That's also simple. Just run objconv.exe -fomf bass.obj bass-omf.obj
Make those OMF files usable by Delphi

