2024年1月6日 星期六

CANopen 是一種架構在控制器區域網路(Controller Area Network, CAN) emotas embedded communication GmbH | your embedded solution partner

 emotas embedded communication GmbH | your embedded solution partner

CANopen 是一種架構在控制器區域網路(Controller Area Network, CAN)上的高層通訊協定,包括通訊子協定及設備子協定常在嵌入式系統中使用,也是工業控制常用到的一種 ...

CANopen software products

    CANopen Slave Stack Source Code

    The CANopen Slave Stack Basic of emotas is a software library that provides all communication services according to the CANopen communi­cation profile CiA301 V4.2.
    CANopen NetworkDesigner

    The CANopen NetworkDesigner by emotas allows to design a complete CANopen network including all devices and communication relationships. The source code for all components is generated automatically by the tool.
    CANopen Master/Slave Stack

    The CANopen Master/Slave Stack is a software library that provides all communication services according to communication profile CiA301, v4.2 and master features according to CiA302-2. The stack is written in ANSI-C and it is MISRA conform.
    CANopen Manager Stack

    The CANopen Manager Stacks extends the CANopen Master/Slave Stack with additional functions such as the Boot-Up Manager and the Configuration Manager according to CiA 302-2 and CiA302-3.
    CANopen Bootloader

    An increasing number of CANopen devices need bootloaders to update firmware in the field. The use of a complete CANopen stack for the bootloader is mostly unsuitable, because of the large flash memory footprint.
    CANopen DeviceExplorer

    The CANopen DeviceExplorer is a versatile tool for development, testing, diagnostics and service tasks. It provides CANopen master functionalities and allows the analysis and configuration of CANopen devices.
    CANopen DeviceDesigner

    The CANopen DeviceDesigner is an easy-to-use tool for fast and cost-saving design of CANopen devices. With a few mouse clicks the object dictionary of the device can be created on the basis of predefined profiles.
    CANopen UpdateManager

    The CANopen UpdateManager is an easy to handle tool designed for firmware downloads. Apart from direct firmware downloads it offers the opportunity to put firmware files for all devices of a network together, add the configuration data and and create an update package.
    CANopen-TCP/IP-Gateway (CiA 309-3)

    Das CiA309-3-Gateway ist ein universelles TCP/IP-CANopen-Gateway entsprechend der CiA-Spezifikation 309-3. Es ist als Binärversion für Linux verfügbar und kann mit jedem Linux, das eine can4linux oder SocketCAN CAN-Schnittstelle hat, verwendet werden. Zudem steht das Gateway auch im Quellcode zur Verfügung und kann damit auf alle Plattformen portiert werden, die eine CAN-Schnittstelle und einen TCP/IP-Stack mit BSD-Sockets besitzen. Die CANopen-Komponente des Gateways besteht aus dem bewährtem CANopen Master-Stack von emotas.
    CANopen-Modbus/TCP-Gateway (CiA309-2)

    The CiA309-2 gateway is a universal Modbus/TCP-CANopen gateway according to CiA 309-2 specification. It is available as binary version for Linux. It can be used with every Linux using a can4linux or SocketCAN CAN interface. The gateway is also available as source code.

