2023年12月24日 星期日

NTULIB::研究資料管理學習指引 datasets Data Sharing Zenodo figshare Mendeley Data Dryad Digital Repository Harvard Dataverse Open Science Framework suitable data repository for your research ...


Data Sharing Zenodo figshare Mendeley Data  Dryad Digital Repository Harvard Dataverse Open Science Framework

How to choose a suitable data repository for your research ...
Faculty of 1000 how-to-choo...An open access data repository openly stores data ... Figshare · Harvard Dataverse · Mendeley Data · Open Science Framework · Science Data Bank.

Find research data — Roskilde University Research Portal


Dataset for the study of Potential Code Borrowing and License Violations in Java Projects on GitHub
# This is the dataset for the study of Potential Code Borrowing and License Violations in Java Projects on GitHub.
# The dataset is based on the Public Git Archive and consists of projects on GitHub that have at least 50 stars
# and have at least one line in Java. A total of 23,378 projects are listed here that we downloaded for analysis
# on June 1st, 2019.

The Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon (MintPy as /mɪnt paɪ/) is an open-source package for Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series analysis. It reads the stack of interferograms (coregistered and unwrapped) in ISCE, ARIA, FRInGE, HyP3, GMTSAR, SNAP, GAMMA or ROI_PAC format,

