2023年12月17日 星期日

developer board switching power 開發板 開關電源 數字控制 PFC LLC 變換器 學習 教程 Switched Mode Power Supply SMPS

 developer board switching power

開發板 開關電源 數字控制 PFC LLC 變換器 學習 教程

Switched Mode Power Supply SMPS

Switched Mode Power Supply: SMPS Design & Applications

Advantages & Disadvantages of SMPS

• Smaller in size and light-weighted.
• Better power efficiency of around 60 to 70 percent.
• Strong anti-interference.
• Wide range of output.
• Produces less heat.

• The SMPS design & working is more complex.
• Has higher output ripple and its regulation is not satisfactory.
• Mostly limited to the step-down regulator.
• Has high-frequency electrical noise.
• Leads to harmonic distortion.

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UC3842 | UC3843 UC3842/3
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