2023年11月2日 星期四

Welcome - Assarbad's homepage [/en/welcome]@assarbad.net delphi link




[DIR] !export/
Just my /dev/null ;)
[DIR] !import/
Programs by others
[DIR] deutsch/
Just some materials from my German lessons
[DIR] IDA.idc/
Some useful IDA scripts - also visit IDA-Palace
Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator files
[DIR] polnisch/
Material for the Polish language-course I took
[DIR] rsd2help/
Help file(s) for RShutdown2
[DIR] simplebuf/
Distribution point for FRISK's CSimpleBuf<T> C++ utility class
[DIR] temp/
[RAR] agreementgina2+src.rar
AgreementGINA2 is a sophisticated replacement GINA (this is with source code)
[RAR] agreementgina2.rar
AgreementGINA2 is a sophisticated replacement GINA
[ZIP] api_conversions.zip
Some conversions of headers from C to Delphi (Native API unit now here! - JwaNative.pas)
[ZIP] arrived.zip
Small tool to execute a command whenever a disk is connected/disconnected to/from the computer
[ZIP] codetables.zip
Codetables of Russian/cyrillic characters
[ZIP] debugviewer.zip
Just my approach to debugging of programs
[ZIP] diffit.zip
Shows the difference between two files (original/patched) and creates a diff-file
[RAR] dscheat.rar
[EXE] eda_preview270.exe
The most current preview of EDA
[RAR] eda_preview270src_2003-10-12.rar
Source of the EDA preview
[ZIP] enable_disable.zip
Older source of EDA
[ZIP] eventloglister.zip
Lists events from the NT event log
[ZIP] eventmontray.zip
Just to notify you of new events in the event log
[ZIP] ftchange.zip
Filetime changer. Changes all three timestamps at once!
[ZIP] gisi.zip
Program from the GIS course in Ukraine 2000/2001
[PDF] iptables-packets.pdf
[???] iptables-packets.vsd
[ZIP] isexe.zip
Checking the properties of PE files
[ZIP] kovrov.zip
Tribute to my lecturer at the Ecological Faculty at the National Mining University of Ukraine
[ZIP] lads.zip
List Alternate Data Streams (ADS), PUBLIC DOMAIN
[ZIP] ln.zip
Create hardlinks on NT4 and higher (full source C/C++ and Delphi included).
[ZIP] localsystem.zip
Start programs in LocalSystem (SYSTEM) context
[ZIP] loggedon2.zip
GUI-based program to see who's logged on in your NT/2K domain
[ZIP] looklink.zip
Investigate reparse points (aka junction points, symbolic links), PUBLIC DOMAIN
[RAR] MACkerer2.rar
MACkerer2. Access control via MAC for the MS-DHCP server. Description here.
[RAR] makeguid.rar
[RAR] miscprogs.rar
Collection of some older programs I wrote
[ZIP] miscprogs.zip
Collection of some older programs I wrote
[ZIP] ntstatus.zip
Shows the description to a NTSTATUS value plus its "name"
[ZIP] obfuscator.zip
Obfuscate strings in Delphi programs
[ZIP] pb_test12x.zip
Interfacing with PROFIBUS using Delphi
[TXT] pktfilter_inst.txt
[ZIP] portscan.zip
Multithreaded portscanner
[ZIP] prtmon3vivi.zip
Printer notifications vivisected
[ZIP] pview2_release.zip
Program to list running processes on local or remote machines and kill them on the local machine
[ZIP] pview_release.zip
Predecessor of PView2
[TXT] rollenspiel_und_maenner.txt
[DE] Lustiger deutscher Text
[ZIP] rshutdown2.zip
RShutdown2 to shutdown remote Windows machines
[ZIP] save_el.zip
Save the event log(s) (even all at once)
[ZIP] screencap.zip
Screen capture program
[ZIP] screenshotclass.zip
Screenshot class of mine
[PAS] shellapiex.pas
Using ShellExecuteEx() to wait for a child-process to finish (instead of CreateProcess)
[RAR] start_lo.rar
Very simple shell replacement (launcher)
[ZIP] subst4nt.zip
SUBST command for NT++ (with C-source)
[ZIP] the_fidler.zip
Converting IDLs to Delphi units, a Perl script
[ZIP] tutorials.zip
The tutorials compressed into one big file (since I am sick and tired of Google and other crapware alleging it to be malicious)
[ZIP] uniconv.zip
Converting unicode text into HTML unicode entities
[ZIP] windowmessages.zip
To find out which number represents which window message(s)
[RAR] winprodk.rar
[ZIP] winprodk.zip

