2023年11月9日 星期四

Physics NVIDIA

 NVIDIA Announces Modulus: A Framework for Developing ...
  Learn how NVIDIA Modulus blends physics and AI to deliver higher fidelity models, enabling more sophisticated and interactive digital twin ...
NVIDIA Modulus. NVIDIA Modulus is an open-source framework for building, training, and fine-tuning Physics-ML models with a simple Python interface.
A Framework for Developing Physics ML Models for Digital ...
NVIDIA Developer Forums
 Originally published at: NVIDIA Announces Modulus: A Framework for Developing Physics ML Models for Digital Twins | NVIDIA Technical Blog
Building Scientifically Accurate Digital Twins Using ...
NVIDIA Developer
 Modulus 22.03, the cutting-edge framework for developing physics-based machine learning models, offers developers key capabilities such as novel ...

Derivative is a software company that offers TouchDesigner, a visual development platform.

NVIDIA Announces Modulus: A Framework for Developing Physics ML Models for Digital Twins | NVIDIA Technical Blog

physx flex flow designer

java3d physics engine simulation lab library

physx flex simulation physics universal scene description

