2023年11月9日 星期四

Multithreading - The Delphi Way




© Martin Harvey 2000.
Multithreading - The Delphi Way.
Martin Harvey.
Version 1.0

    Recommended Reading.
    Navigation hints.

    Chapter 1. What are threads? Why use them?
    Chapter 2. Creating a thread in Delphi.
    Chapter 3. Basic synchronization.
    Chapter 4. Simple thread destruction.
    Chapter 5. More thread destruction. Deadlock.
    Chapter 6. More synchronization: Critical sections and mutexes.
    Chapter 7. Mutex programming guidelines. Concurrency control.
    Chapter 8. Delphi thread safe classes and Priorities.
    Chapter 9. Semaphores. Data flow scheduling. The producer - consumer relationship.
    Chapter 10. I/O and data flow: from blocking to asynchronous and back.
    Chapter 11. Synchronizers and Events.
    Chapter 12. Miscellanea. Chapter 13. Threads with BDE, Exceptions and DLLs
    Chapter 13. Threads with BDE,Exceptions and DLLs
    Chapter 14. A real world problem, and its solution.

