2023年11月4日 星期六

Android Signature Pad Android Signature Pad is an Android library for drawing sketch Handwritten signature Character Recognition

 Handwritten character recognition (HCR)

1D-CNN based Fully Convolutional Model for Handwriting ...
Towards Data Science
https://towardsdatascience.com ›    EASTER model explained for fast, efficient, and scalable HTR/OCR. Kartik Chaudhary. Towards Data Science. ScienceTowards ‎Science1D

Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Handwritten ...
MDPI https://www.mdpi.com ›    Convolutional-Neural-Network-Based Handwritten Character Recognition: An Approach with Massive Multisource Data ... Proposed CNN model for character recognition. Kartik ‎ScienceTowards ‎Science1D-

[PDF] Rotation-free Online Handwritten Character Recognition using Dyadic Path Signature Features, Hanging Normalization, and Deep

Electronics | Free Full-Text | An Automated Method for Biometric Handwritten Signature Authentication Employing Neural Networks

analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.
The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:
BLE    Bluetooth Low Energy
BLSTM    Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
EER    Equal Error Rate
FPR    False-Positive Rate
GRU    Gated Recurrent Unit
IQR    Interquartile Range
LSTM    Long Short-Term Memory
MEMS    Microelectromechanical systems
NFC    Near-Field Communication
PReLU    Parametric Rectified Linear Unit
ReLU    Rectified Linear Unit
ROC    Receiver Operating Characteristic
TPR    True-Positive Rate
t-SNE    t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
USB    Universal Serial Bus

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OCR technology consists of 3 steps:

    Image pre-processing stage, which consists of processing the image so that it can be exploited and optimized to recognize the characters. Pre-processing manipulations include: realignment, de-interference, binarization, line removal, zoning, word detection, script recognition, segmentation, normalization, etc.
    Extraction of the statistical properties of the image. This is the key step for locating and identifying the characters in the image, as well as their structures.
    Post-processing stage, which consists in reforming the image as it was before the analysis, by highlighting the “bounding boxes” (rectangles delimiting the text in the image) of the identified character sequences:

We have therefore chosen 4 OCR solution providers:

    Google Cloud Platform: Vision OCR API
    Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services: Computer Vision OCR
    Amazon Web Services: Amazon Textract
    OCR Space
Eden AI & Optical Character Recognition (OCR) : OCR Space‍

