2023年9月14日 星期四

DotNet-Framework. Zeus Framework



The whole Zeus-Framework is built out of following software libraries:

    ZeusBase: Basic library of the C++ Framework for general use. Contains classes for data types, XML, multithreading, networking, RMI for C++, messaging and much more.

    ZeusMath: Mathematical library of the Zeus-Framework. It includes classes for mathematical basics, geometry, signal processing, artificial inteligence, fuzzy logic etc.

    ZeusPerv: Pervasive Computing library. This is actually the implementation of the hardware management and software distribution based on Cell Computing Model, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing.

    ZeusImg: Perception library of the Zeus-Framework. Nowadays it includes image processing only. Implements datatypes, filters and kernels specialized for signal processing.

    ZeusRobot: Robotics library of the Zeus-Framework. Currently only the NXT robot is supported.

There are lots of examples documented within this project site. See Education/Zeus-Framework. 

    ZeusBase: Basic library of the C# Framework for general use. Contains classes for data types, XML, multithreading, networking, messaging and much more.

    ZeusUI.WPF: Zeus User Interface based on WPF technology.


