2023年8月30日 星期三

endowment insurance 養老保險 medical insurance 醫療保險 基本医疗保险 employee benefits system benefits package(福利项目) 養老保險 endowment insurance 醫療保險 medical insurance 失業保險 unemployment 養老保險 醫療保險 工傷保險 失業保險 生育保險 住房公積金

 endowment insurance 養老保險
medical insurance 醫療保險 基本医疗保险

employee benefits system
benefits package(福利项目)
養老保險 endowment insurance 醫療保險 medical insurance 失業保險 unemployment

養老保險 醫療保險 工傷保險 失業保險 生育保險 住房公積金
養老保險 endowment insurance
醫療保險 medical insurance
失業保險 unemployment insurance
工傷保險 employment injury insurance
生育保險 maternity insurance
住房公積金 Housing Provident Fund

Basic Statistics of Persons Participating in Social Insurance in Main Years
参保总人次 Total Persons Participating in Insurance    
基本养老保险 Endowment Insurance    
 失业保险 Unemployment Insurance    
 基本医疗保险 Insurance for Medical Care    
 工伤保险 Work-related Injury Insurance    
 生育保险 Childbirth Insurance

 Employee benefits system 员工福利保障体系 指企业为员工提供的各类benefits package(福利项目),包括五险一金:养老保险(endowment insurance)、医疗保险(medical insurance)、失业保险(unemployment insurance)、工伤保险(employment injury insurance)和生育保险(maternity insurance),及住房公积金(Housing Provident Fund);补充商业保险(supplementary commercial insurance),带薪年假(paid annual leave)
金融业(financial industry)员工福利最好 外资企业(foreign-funded companies)

actual investment 實際投資
actual saving 實際儲蓄

Chinese and English Glossary for the National Treasury

特種基金 Special Funds
35 重大交通建設
Major Transportation Infrastructure
Non-discretionary Corporate Bonds
37 證券主管機關 Authorities-in-charge of Securities
38 異議 Protest
39 申訴 Complaint
40 招標 Invitation to Tender
41 審標 Evaluation of Tender
42 決標 Award of Contract
43 營運費率 Fare Rate
Authorities-in-charge of Public Utilities
45 營運資產 Operating Assets; Operation Assets
46 中止興建、營運
To Suspend Part or all of the Construction
or the Operation
To Cease Part or All of the Construction
or the Operation
48 強制接管營運 Compulsory Take Over
49 營運權 Operation Concession
50 有償或無償 With or Without Consideration
51 公私協力 Public Private Partnership, PPP
63 新市鎮開發 Development of New Towns
64 農業設施 Agricultural Facilities
65 新建-營運-移轉 Build-operate-transfer, BOT
66 新建-移轉-營運 Build-transfer-operate, BTO
Rehabilitate-operate-transfer, ROT
68 營運-移轉 Operate-transfer, OT
69 新建-擁有-營運 Build-own-operate, BOO
70 被授權機關 Authorized Entity
71 最優申請人 The Best Applicant
72 綜合評審 Results of the Comprehensive Review
73 議約 Contract Negotiation
74 協調委員會 Mediation Committee
75 被委託機關 Commissioned Entity
76 開發許可 Development Permission
77 甄審標準 Evaluation Criteria
78 甄審項目 Evaluation Items
79 營運績效評估 Evaluation of Operation Performance
80 除外情事 Exception for Violation
81 可行性評估 Feasibility Study
82 融資機構 Financing Institute
83 不可抗力 Force Majeure
84 獨立機構 Independent Institution
85 查核 Inspection
86 投資計畫書 Investment Proposal
87 融資意願書 Letter of Intent for Financing
88 甲方協助事項 Party a Support Items
89 先期規劃 Preliminary Planning
90 優先定約 Priority to Enter Into Contract
91 資格審查 Qualification Review
92 合格申請人 Qualified Applicants
93 公共藝術 Public Art
94 退票紀錄 Record of Bounced Checks
95 規費 Statutory Fee
96 協力廠商 Contractor
97 招商文件 Tender Document
98 入圍申請人 Nominated Applicants
99 試營運 Trial Operation
100 政府廳舍設施 Government Office Buildings
and English Glossary for the National Treasury
類別Category項次Item中文詞彙Chinese英文詞彙English庫務管理TreasuryAffairsManagement公庫法 Government Treasury Act 國庫法 National Treasury Act 國庫經辦行 Agent Institutions of National Treasury稅款經收處 Tax Collection Institutions各級公庫代理銀行代辦機構及代收稅款機構稅款解繳作業辦法Regulations for the Payment of the TaxRevenue Collected by the CommissionedBank, Agency Institute, and TaxCollections Institute of GovernmentTreasury at Each Level地方政府公庫代理銀行遴選辦法Selection Regulations for theCommissioned Bank of Local GovernmentTreasury中央政府各機關專戶管理辦法Regulations on the Management of theCentral Government Agency Account中央政府非稅課收入匯款繳庫作業要點Operation Guidelines for CentralGovernment Non-tax Revenue Remittanceto the National Treasury國庫收入退還支出收回處理辦法Regulations for the Handling of RevenueRefunded and Expenditure Regained of theNational Treasury非稅課收入匯款繳庫Remittance of Non-tax Revenues to theTreasury網路繳納國庫款Online Payment to the Treasury現金管理 Cash Management歲入管理AnnualRevenuePreparation中央政府總預算Central Government General Budget中央政府總預算追加(減)預算Central Government SupplementaryGeneral Budget中央政府特別預算Central GovernmentSpecial Budget歲入(不含舉債收入)Annual Revenues歲出(不含債務還本)Annual Expenditures餘絀 Surplus or Deficit

