2022年4月5日 星期二

maXbox a script tool engine, Precompiled Object Based Scripting Tool maXbox maXbox3 Precompiled Object Based Scripting Tool maXbox



Precompiled Object Based Scripting Tool maXbox maXbox3  Precompiled Object Based Scripting Tool maXbox





 maXbox a script tool engine, compilerlib all in one exe! Build to teach/ develop under Windows and Linux (CLX) to set Delphi with no install. maXbox has RemObjects PascalScript smart code. With include,events print, decompile, syncheck, templates, VM-, and DLL support. +Indy,Jedi,CGI,DMath,CAI,FLC5 & Systools.4.0 with CryptoBox4 and ComPort for Arduino!, OS Lib mX4- Build mX4.7.6.10
maXbox Pure Code Blaise Pascal Mag

