2022年4月18日 星期一

concorde directory Concorde TSP Travelling Salesperson Problems Solver qsopt



concorde directory Concorde TSP Travelling Salesperson Problems  Solver   qsopt 

    Referenced in 696 articles [sw00983]
    following problem classes are available. Symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP) Hamiltonian cycle problem (HCP) Asymmetric ... traveling salesman problem (ATSP) Sequential ordering problem (SOP) Capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP...

    Referenced in 312 articles [sw04770]
    computer code for the symmetric traveling salesman problem (TSP) and some related network optimization problems...

    Referenced in 138 articles [sw04735]
    Kernighan heuristic for solving the traveling salesman problem. Computational experiments have shown that...

    Referenced in 37 articles [sw04709]
    with time windows. The Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW) is the problem...

    GTSP Instances Library
    Referenced in 14 articles [sw14651]
    Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem (GTSP) is an extension of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), where...

Using the NEOS Server for concorde/TSP

Web Submission Form
Concorde data(xy-list file, L2 norm)
Enter the complete path to the file with the xy-list (distances measured in the Euclidean(L2) norm)
Concorde data(xy-list file, L1 norm)
Or, enter the complete path to the file with the xy-list (distances measured in the Manhattan(L1) norm)
Concorde data(TSPLIB format file)
Or, enter the complete path to the symmetric TSPLIB file
Algorithm Choose the algorithm (cqs=QSopt, con=CPLEX [default], lk=Lin-Kernighan) Concorde(CPLEX)

