2021年12月11日 星期六

DelphiStuff Download page La pagina e' in allestimento, abbiate pazienza qualche altro giorno. Nel frattempo, prelevate pure quello che c'e'!


La pagina dei links  Links page http://web.tiscali.it/I2/delphistuff/links.htm

DelphiStuff Download page

La pagina e' in allestimento, abbiate pazienza qualche altro giorno. Nel frattempo, prelevate pure quello che c'e'!
Ultimo aggiornamento: 07.11.99
   Una serie di aiuti e routines per determinare la data di Pasqua
   Una libreria + un set di componti per effettuare backup di files, drives ecc. E' Freeware per gli utenti finali, Shareware per i produttori di software.
    Una libreria + un set di componenti per comprimere in formato ZIP qualsiasi file. E' Freeware per gli utenti finali, Shareware per i produttori di software.
Un esempio su come formattare un dischetto (delphi 1 o 2?)
Un esempio di programma che ti consente di ottenere le password dimenticate del tuo sistema
   Componente free per la gestione dei GIF animati
   Un programma completo di sorgente che consente di tenere sotto controllo i segnali del modem
   Ovvero, come realizzare un videogame con le DirectX. I componenti sono accompagnati da un sorgente di videogioco!
   Sources di un salvaschermo
Tutto quello che occorre per leggere, scrivere e formattare un dischetto con delphi. Se qualcuno realizza qualche cosa, mi mandi il sources in EMAIL, grazie!
Una unit di supporto che contiene tutte le piu' comuni funzioni gestionali, per realizzare programmi di contabilita', gestionali di azienda ecc. ecc.
I sorgenti di un videogame spaziale! In turbopascal!
 Fatemi sapere se qualche link non va con una semplice email
Torna a DelphiStuff
    Delphi Super Page Really the best Delphi site at this time. A lot of components, tools and applications. Recieve user uploads by ftp or e-mail. Perfect job by Robert M. Czerwinski. Mirrors: Australia(1), Australia(2), Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan(1), Japan(2), Korea, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom, USA.
    Richey's Delphi-Box By Richard Fellner. Richey's Delphi-Box - 1000++ links and answers for Delphi developers ..one of the best starting points for Delphi developers worldwide..
    Developers. href.com Makes it easy to find programming information and answers to tough Delphi questions. Updated daily, the site archives the full text of almost 200 programming newsgroups and already has more than 340,000 articles. Use it for quick full text searches and read articles conveniently. You will also see what can be made with Delphi, WebHub and Rubicon. Thanks to HREF.

        Abis Developer's Network - Source Code Gallery, abisMAG - magazine for developers, many more...
        AdaptAccounts - Delphi-based accounting system by Adapta Software Inc...
        Akzhan On The Web - While in Russian only. Delphi-related VCL & WinAPI, Database Delphi-oriented tips'n'tricks, Delphi-related Multi-tier FAQ, Component reviews etc...
        Alex Wernhardt's Homepage - The site is open to everyone and supports components, examples, programs and tips about Delphi, just and just Freeware...
        Alexey Fedorov's Homepage - A lot of useful code examples from exlusive editor of Russian edition of "ComputerPress"...
        Almer's Homepage - Delphi Related Links, components and more...
        Alvas Components Collection - Home of Alvas Components Collection...
        Anders Melander's Home on the Net - Components, projects and many useful information (bug fixes, file formats, etc)...
        Andrew's Freeware Delphi Components Review Page - Freeware components reviews
        Another Delphi Page - Freeware components
        Andy'z World - API written in Delphi 2.0 for people who want to write Internet applications such as chat, games. Currently requires beta testers in Delphi, C++ and VB
        Apogee Online - Has nice Delphi and IntraBuilder sections. The home of The Delphi Knowledge Base
        ArGo Software Design - Freeware and shareware components
        Artem Berman Home Page - Home of many useful components and programs.
        Ask the Delphi Pro - You really could ask the question and get an answer. Also big archive of Q&A and solved problems.
        Automated QA Inc: Memory Leaks and How to Plug Them - Thanks to the work of Atanas Stoyanov and feedback from many loyal MemProof users, we have compiled a list of memory leaks in Delphi and appropriate workarounds to eliminate them.
        Ben Ziegler's Delphi Pages - Lots of free source code including WABD (Web Application Builder for Delphi), and a Print Preview Component, and more ...
        BDE Alternatives Guide - The BDE Alternatives Guide is the definitive source of information on non-BDE database access solutions for Delphi...
        Big Wave Dave's Delphi Destination - Components, patches, mailing list...
        Bill White's Delphi Components - Installer components
        Boris Ingram's Page - Components and tools
        Brad Clarke's Web Site - Here you could find Delphi 3 and Delphi 4 Information Pages
        Brendan's Delphi Corner - Discussion about program design, ask your questions
        Business Software - Home of BWS Data Workshop, BSBatch and useful free components
        BuyPin Delphi Faq - Tips and tricks for Delphi developers...
        Bytamin-c.com - Pages for C++ Builder programers, full of tips and triks, links, etc...
        Calitz Bros Delphi Page - Printing components for Delphi and C++ Builder
        Calling Dr. Marteens... - Contains tricks and tips, and articles on Delphi & C++ Builder (Spanish only)
        Cetus Links: Object-Orientation (by Manfred Schneider) - More than 10000 Links to Object-Orientation Sites
        Cipher Development Lab - non-commercial site dedicated to software developers. The main languages covered are Visual Basic, Delphi and Java.
        Code Corner - Delphi controls with source by Gordon Bamber
        Coder's Knowledge Base - Delphi category at the Coder's Knowledge Base
        Chris & Tim's Rapid Application Development Homepage - Components, bugs, documents, links...
        Chuck's Delphi Pages - Components, books, links, Delphi Ring...
        Classic Software - Classic Software develops Delphi components, including the TcsNotebook component which is part of the Classic Component Set
        Code Colorizer - CodeColorizer can convert your Active Server Pages, C/C++, Clipper, Delphi/Pascal, HTML, Java, JavaScript and Visual Basic source code to colorized (syntax highlighted) HTML documents.
        ComputingSite: Delphi Channel - Collection of links to different Delphi sites...
        Cyber Directory of Delphi Developers - It's a new site but more and more Delphi developers have registered and communicate via Email...
        Cyberhome of John W. Small - Delphi, C++ and Java shareware stuff
        Dart Communications - TCP/IP SDK, OLE toolkits...
        Dave Baldwin's Delphi Utilities - HTML viewer. Animation and tab listbox component...
        David Berneda - The Delphi chart component library
        Delfai - Many useful resourses for Delphi and C++ Builder (apps, components, tools, links,...)
        Delphi 2 Java - Converts your Delphi sources to Java...
        Delphi 5 Information Page - Fresh information about Delphi 5...
        Delphi64 - New site with components, links and so on...
        Delphi Alliance - In Czech Republic was born new Delphi initiative to creating complex Delphi library and tools (like WebBroker , MIDAS , TCPIP replacements)....
        Delphi Bug List - Delphi bug list by Reinier Sterkenburg
        Delphi Cryptography Page - Cryptography components, units, examples...
        Delphi Dalnet Website - Components, Programs, Tips and Tricks, Tutorial...
        Delphi Heritage Controls - Free tips, docs, tutors, components and applications with full source...
        Delphi Internet Programing - Components, tips, examples for Delphi Internet programers...
        Delphi - Dicas e Tutorial - Tips and tutorial (in Portugal)...
        Delphi HyperActive - A open-source resource center for Delphiers by African Dancer...
        Delphi Kingdom - Virual Club of Delphi prgramers (in Russian)...
        Delphi Deloght - New site with components, tools, links and so on...
        Delphi Procedures and Functions Library - Small functions and procedures...
        Delphi Programming - Components, samples, links to technical docs, books and so on...
        Delphi and Pascal Programming Tutorials - Tutorial for Delphi and Pascal programers...
        Delphi Technology Club - Articles and Tips for Delphi programers (in Russian)...
        Delphi3.com - Components, Delphi Yellow Pages and many more...
        Delphi Club - Let's make this Club a great point to developers share ideas, comments, codes, etc...
        Official Delphi 4 Developer's Guide homepage - Information about "Delphi 4 Developer's Guide" book by Steve Teixeira and Xavier Pacheco...
        Delphi-Games-Creator - There you can find components wich you help developing little Jump'n'Runs and Games...
        Delphi CGI Components - Components and utilities for web sites
        Delphi Collection - Documents, patches, the unofficial newsletter of Delphi users...
        Delphi...Delphi...Delphi... - Nice Delphi pages in Malaysia
        Delphi Central - Delphi Articles, Tutorials and Hints...
        Delphi DAO Home Page - Information resource for Delphi developers which are using Access/DAO ...
        Delphi Developers Library - Various components
        Delphi Homepage - FAQ, tips, componets...
        Delphi Gold Resource CD - VCL source, DLL's, VBX's, tips & tricks...
        Delphi Internet Pages - Useful examples for Delphi for ISAPI, MIDAS etc..
        Delphi Information Connection - Very good site, long time was "dead", but now try to come back...
        Delphi Job Hunter - Delphi Job Hunter provides a matching service for Delphi programmers and Delphi employers...
        Delphi Jobs - If you are a Delphi developer, looking for a position, check it out...
        Delphi Jobs - This the other site with the same name. If you are a Delphi developer, looking for a position, check it out...
        Delphi JobsExpress - Here Employers could post Delphi Job openings and Developers could register here for job announcements by email
        DelphiMag.com - Site by Informant Communications Group, publisher of "Delphi Informant" (DI). This site features tips and tricks, how to articles, book reviews, product reviews, third-party product information, and industry news columns from DI. In addition, www.DelphiMag.com will offer additional articles, reviews, news bits, and product information not included in DI...
        DelphiLand - Free Delphi programming lessons, online and for download. Also Delphi tips, source code, freeware...
        Delphi Message Board - New place for Delphi for questions and tips....
        Delphi Planet - The Delphi Planet was established to provide timely news coverage about Delphi itself and about third party component packages...
        Delphi Prefix Registry - The Delphi Prefix Registry has been designed to list component creators, the prefixes they use and contact details.
        Delphi Programming Source Code Web Site - Components, tips, samples and many other stuff, related to Delphi...
        Delphi Programmers Ring - Webring for Delphi Developers by Bjoern Ischo, free and steadily growing....
        Delphi My Favorite - A top-100 of Delphi components
        Delphi Nerds' Playground - Components, tips and so on...
        Delphi Resource Gallery - Components, sample applications, technical white papers, and links to Delphi related pages. Also home of Delphi Knowledge Base application
        Delphi Search Engine - The Delphi Seach Engine allows you to search for Delphi related web sites on several search engines without finding lots of references to Delphi internet services, out of date message boards, Greece and other irrelvances to Delphi Programmers.
        Delphi Snippet's - These pages contains several Borland Delphi and Borland CBuilder examples, articles and links to other pages with free source code.
        Delphi Stop - A lot of components, code examples. Well organized site.
        Delphi Tips - Components, tips, how to's, tips of the week and much more. Provided by Gustav Evertsson.
        Delphi WebPository - Books, components, usergroups and links to FTP sites
        Delphi World - Usergroups, FTP sites...
        Delphi@PT - Components, examples, links...
        Developer Express - Home of many great components, such as ExpressGrid, ExpressBar and so on...
        Developer Express Support Forum - Questions, answers, tips, ideas....
        DFL Software - Image and chart components
        Die Delphipage - Delphi site by Michael Hoffacker. Contains components, applications and so on (German only)...
        Dirk Brouwer's Page - Delphi resources, java...
        dWinsock Home Page - Home of dWinsock component
        Dr. Bob's Delphi, C++ Builder and JBuilder Clinics - Book reviews, links and articles
        Eagle Software - Home of Component Developer Kit, reAct and Raptor
        efg's Computer Lab - Reference Library and Mostly Delphi Projects: Graphics, Image Processing, Mathematics, Fractals, Chaos, ... Projects and Lab Reports
        Electric Dreams - FAQ, tips & tricks and a few components
        Engineering Objects International - Useful classes for use with Delphi and C++ Builder...
        Epsylon Technologies - One of the bigest Russian Borland distributors. Also the home of Baikonur.
        EQSoft - Home of very nice component collections. Nake a look...
        Evgeny Links Page - Links to various components, applications, sites and so on...
        Experts Exchange - Good place to find answers to Delphi (and others) questions...
        FAQSYS - Site, full of theory and algorithm og graphic programming...
        Frank's Delphi Lessons - Free Delphi Lessons, Example Prgms, Help Libraries...
        Frank's Delphi Pages - Collection of problems and solutions for Delphi Developers...
        Franz Glaser's Delphi Pages - Turbo Pascal pages with big Delphi section...
        Francois Piette Delphi Page - Freeware components, mostly Internet related with good samples...
        Gavina Software - Gavina Software Department Website. Home of many nice shareware and freeware components...
        GJL Software - GJL Software Website. Home of Database Utilities, excellent and powerfull tool for database and Delphi developers alike especially those using the BDE and works with a variety of database formats...
        Andrey Grigoriev Developers Page - Various Delphi, C++ Builder, Interbase stuff and more...
        Helpfile-Builder - Specialises in simple yet professional tools for winhelp and HTML help generation and management.
        High Gear - Delphi 1.0 and 2.0 components
        Hans Lohninger's Delphi Components - TDirTree, TRChart and others
        HREF Tools Corporation - Home of WebHub and associated components...
        Sky Line Tools Imaging - SkyLine Tools Imaging is an award winning software toold development company dedicated to providing cutting edge imaging technology to programmers in the Delphi and C++ Builder Market...
        Inprise Online - Inprise's Main Page
        Additional Tools & Components - Additional tools and components for Delphi, mostly commercial
        Inprise: Russian site - The copy of Main site in Russian
        Delphi - Delphi Main Page
        Delphi 1.0 - Delphi 1.0 Page
        Delphi Booklist - A very complete Delphi booklist
        Developer's Corner - Developer's Corner Page
        Info Recs - Delphi Links, User Groups and Other Links
        Tech Library - technical articles
        Tech Tips - Tech Tips Page
        Technical Support - Technical Support Page
        Interface Ltd - One of the best place when teach, how to work with Delphi and other products
        John Goyvaerts' Page - Freeware and shareware components
        John Taylor's Delphi Site - Shareware, freeware, links, java...
        John's Little Nook - Delphi Places of Interest - Components and links
        K.Nishita's Homepage - Home of NishitaView
        Marat Delphi Page - Components, tips, samples, links and so on (in Russian)
        MainTron Delphi Page - New site, which will brings you components, tips, samples, links and so on
        Marko Tietz's Delphi Page - Tips & tricks
        MER Systems Search Engines - This archive contains over 1,100,000 news messages from the Inprise newsgroups. This includes a wealth of information on Delphi, C++Builder, JBuilder, Interbase (and more).
        Mike Marsden's Borland Delphi Links - Links, usergroups
        Mike Shkolnik Homepage - Home of several nice components (SMReport, SMExport)
        Mike Sutton's Delphi Directory - Job for programers
        Mindi's Delphi Pages - Hints, tips, documents, resourses and so on...
        MultiLizer - Multi language support to your Delphi applications
        Nataly Elmanova Home Page - Home page of author of "Introduction to Borland C++ Builder" book (in Russian). Here you can download C++ Builder samples.
        Nevrona Designs - Home of ReportPrinter Pro and AdHocery component suites
        Object Lessons - Educational Services and Resources for Borland Delphi.
        OOPSoft, Inc. - Home of Object Express and SQL Express.
        Open Delphi Forum - Delphi Queries & Answers. There are about 100.000 articles stored in the archive (Italian version only).
        Phillip Gussows Delphi Homepage - Freeware Delphi components with source and soon a Java section
        ProDelphi - The source code profiler for Delphi 2/3/4 - Source code for Delphi source code Profiler by Helmuth J.H. Adolph
        Programmers Heaven - Useful files, links and so on
        Programming Resource Megasite - Contains a large collection of programs, and programming related tutorials, source code, links, ideas, etc....
        Programming Tips - Collection of useful programing tips...
        Radek Delphi Page - Components, applications, links and many more...
        Raize Software Solutions, Inc. - This site contains product information on "Raize Components for Delphi," updates to "Developing Custom Delphi Components", and source code for the "Delphi By Design" column.
        Reinhard Kalinke Homepage - Freeware and Shareware components.
        Ruslan Delphi Page - A Delphi site with forum, tips and tricks, downloads, links. Also information about C++ Builder, Borland C++, MS Visual C++, ActiveX.
        Russian System Developments - Home of Auto Visual Component Library 32. Components, code examples, tips and more.
        RU.DELPHI Too Frequently Asked Questions - Too Frequently Asked Questions of RU.DELPHI hierarchy (in Russian).
        Samara Delphi & Interbase Club - Club for Delphi and Interbase developers. There you could find comonents, tools and so on...
        Sanjay Kanade's Delphi Tricks'N'Tips - Various tips for Delphi programers...
        Security Central - Special site for software security and protection.
        Sergei Orlic's Home page - The home of eXpert Development Kit.
        Silicon Commander Games Delphi Resource Page - Sprite toolkit, high resolution timer...
        siComponents Home page - Home of the siComponents for Delphi and C++ Builder...
        Skyline Consulting - Turkish company, which specialized in applications localization. Home of TRoex and Delphi Notebooks...
        SourceSite - All the source code you need...
        South Pacific Information Services Ltd - Home of TCompress, TCompLHA and Web components...
        Stargate - Site with Delphi material: personnal tools and components, always free (with or w/o source code), always original (in French and English)...
        Stefan Hoffmeister's list of Delphi resources - FAQs, Knowledge Bases, Mailing lists, Large WWW sites that add value to the Delphi community...
        Steven Kamradt's Delphi Zone - Featuring Custom Delphi Components, Delphi written Applications, and Delphi Links...
        Swiss Delphi Center - Components, tips, links for Delphi programers...
        Tamarack Associate - Home of Rubicon Search Engine...
        Technical Computer Forums - The 800+ forums offer "peer-to-peer" based support on just about every issue you can imagine...
        The.Tower - Various tools for DelphiX...
        The Adrock Software Development Team - A lot of useful components, links and many more...
        The C++ Builder Information and Tutorial Site - Very useful site. Many links to other C++ Builder places...
        The City Zoo - FAQ, tips & tricks, announcements, articles...
        The Coriolis Group - Articles, shareware, press releases, java...
        The DCU Store - Components, links and so on...
        The #1 Delphi Pages - Looks like this site tooks all the best features from Top Delphi Sites...
        The Delphi Companion - Articles, FAQ, tips, books, database stuff, java...
        The Delphi Source - Books, FAQ, unofficial newsletter by Robert Vivrette...
        The Delphi Station - Information, freeware/shareware and lots of links
        The Ultimate Developer's Resource Site - A big collection of links, not only Delphi
        The Waldi - Contains tips and tricks for Delphi programers, links and many more...
        Tips and Tricks for Delphi - Tips and Tricks for Delphi by Peter Tiemann
        Toryu's D1 Page - Components for Delphi 1, and some applications (without source).
        Trucomania - Site of Delphi Tips. Looks very useful...
        Turbo - Game development site dedicated to Borland compilers (Delphi, C++ Builder, JBuilder)
        Turbo Power Software - Great commercial components with free preview
        TWorldMap Component - A great world map component. Both 16 and 32 bit versions
        VIRT Laboratory - Home of TVirtComp components...
        WestSide Software - Home of TZipList and TZipView components... and more...
        WideProject - Home of several programs, written in Delphi and something more...
        Woric's Tracelog Application - Tracelog is personal 32-bit tracing application. It was originally written to debug only Delphi applications, but these days in addition to the native Delphi version there is a COM version for debugging ASP pages, WSH scripts or any other COM capable application (eg: VB, Word, Outlook, Cold Fusion).
        UtilMind Solutions - Formed Xacker's Delphi Workshop. Home of many useful freeware components and samples...
        XCL Pages - Home of eXtream Class Library. Let's make our Delphi program small... 

