2017年9月21日 星期四

OmniThreadLibrary The Ultimate Delphi Threading Library



The Ultimate Delphi Threading Library

What Is OmniThreadLibrary?

OmniThreadLibrary is simple to use threading library for Delphi. Currently, versions 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4, XE5, XE6, XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, and 10.2 Tokyo are supported. OmniThreadLibrary is an open source project. It lives on GitHub and is licensed under the BSD license.
This is not the first threading framework I've written. There are, however, few big differences between the OTL (OmniThreadLibrary) and previous projects. All previous projects were closed source, used only for the in-house programming. They were all designed from the bottom. And they all had big problems when used in some real-life cases. Still, they were an important research tools. I learned a lot from them - what works, what doesn't and, most important, what kind of threading issues are appearing in the real life applications. 


ITDevCon 2010

FastMM in Depth – presentation (ppspdf), code (zip)
Parallel Programming Made Easy – presentation (ppspdf), code (zip)
Building Multithreaded Solutions with OmniThreadLibrary – presentation (ppspdf), code (zip)

VDUG webinar 2010

Parallel Programming with OmniThreadLibrary -  presentation (pdf), video (flashmp4)

ADUG 2011

Getting Full Speed with Delphi - presentation (pps), handouts (pdf), code (zip)

ITDevCon 2011

Multithreading Made Simple with OmniThreadLibrary - presentation (ppspdf), code (zip)

ITDevCon 2012

Parallel Programming with OmniThreadLibrary - presentation (ppspdf), code (zip)

