2016年1月9日 星期六

沙箱寫程式, 瀏覽器寫程式


30 Code Playgrounds and Sharing Tools

Most people know about jsFiddle because it is an amazing tool that allows you to quickly test and share small pieces of code. No wonder my jsFiddle examples post is getting a ton of traffic. But, there are many other awesome web based sandbox testing tools that you might find useful. Did you know that there are SQL and NodeJS sandboxing tools out there? It is so convenient to quickly mess around with code online and collaborate with other programmers. Below you will find some of the best free code playgrounds and sandboxing tools for testing, debugging and sharing your code snippets (I put my favorites in bold).

1. JSFiddle – supports JS, CSS, HTML and dominates in this space with a simple approach and great features like sharing, embedding, etc.

2. JSBin – looks very similar to JSFiddle and allows HTML, JS, and CSS.

3. Tinkerbin – another code playground for HTML, JS, and CSS.

4. CodePen – online HTML, CSS, and JS editor with sharing tools and collections of snippets organized for code inspiration.

5. CodePad – allows you to test C, C++, Perl, Python, Ruby, and more online.

6. D3 PlayGround – a tool for exploring and developing visualizations using D3.

7. HTML5 Snippet – testing ground for HTML5, CSS3 and JS.
8. PasteBin – simple and clutter-free HTML/JS open source sandbox tool. I like that it’s open sourced on GitHub.

9. CSS Desk – Test your HTML and CSS code online.

10. Dabblet – Interactive CSS playground and code sharing tool.

11. JSapp – a playground for testing your NodeJS code online.

12. TryItEditor – lets you test your HTML code markup.

13. PHP Fiddle – Let’s you test out PHP Code online.

14. PYCH – The online Python Code Checker

15. PY I/O – Online Python IDE built with Google App Engine

16. JavaScript Sandbox – Online tool to test JavaScript code

17. RegexPal – JavaScript Regular Expression Tester

18. Codecademy Labs – a place for you to program in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript online

19. SQLFiddle – allows you to create a DataBase and test SQL code.

20. IDEone – an online compiler and debugging tool which allows you to run code online in more than 40 programming languages

21. Mozilla Thimble – lets you write and edit HTML and CSS right in your browser and instantly preview your work.

22. Liveweave – a HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript playground for web developers and designers.

23. Practicode – another online tool for editing your code snippets with support for HTML, CSS and VBScript.

24. PHP Sandbox – lets you test php functions online with many different version of PHP.

25. Snippet.IO – free tool that lets you share code snippets easily.

26. HTML5 PlayGround – lets you click on pre-defined HTML5 tags and see how the code works instantly in preview.

27. Tmpltr – another JSFiddle clone but focused on realtime template binding.

28. Google Code PlayGround – allows you to instantly test code using various Google APIs.

29. PasteHTML – a sandbox for playing with HTML, CSS and JS with an API and a bookmarklet to create a snapshot of any web page and store it online.

30. Tinker – a quick and easy tool for writing and sharing code

Have I missed any online tools to test and share code snippets?

Today, I was introduced to Runnable and it is pretty impressive. It let’s you runa and share code in the browser and it supports php, python, nodejs and a variety of APIs. Also, Plunker is an interesting tool for creating and sharing web development work that uses the ACE editor, lets you split code into multiple files, live preview, etc…
Also, here is a WebGL Playground

