2015年10月24日 星期六

diy 機械加工 車床 小工具 機械鐘 教學頻道 Clickspring


diy 機械加工 車床 小工具 機械鐘 教學頻道 Clickspring

I'm Chris from Clickspring, and I create home machine shop project videos with a focus on clock making. Join me as I make a clock from raw metal stock, as well as a wide selection of tools and jigs for use in the home machine shop.
I post the videos on YouTube every few weeks, and you can also get extra updates at my project site www.clickspringprojects.com.
You can also help make these project videos - visit the Patreon.com/clickspring page for more information.

Home Machine Shop Tool Making - Machining A Set Of Vintage Style Rope Knurls

Machining A Replacement Pulley With A Keyway

Home Machine Shop Tool Making - Machining A Small Lathe Carrier

Machining a Custom 5C Collet Nut
自製 可以輕鬆轉90度的夾具座

Keith Rucker - VintageMachinery.org頻道

史特林發動機 Stirling Engine

 Stirling engine is a heat engine that operates by cyclic compression and expansion of air or other gas (the working fluid) at different temperatures, such that there is a net conversion of heat energy to mechanical work.More specifically, the Stirling engine is a closed-cycle regenerative heat engine with a permanently gaseous working fluid. Closed-cycle, in this context, means a thermodynamic system in which the working fluid is permanently contained within the system, and regenerative describes the use of a specific type of internal heat exchanger and thermal store, known as the regenerator. The inclusion of a regenerator differentiates the Stirling engine from other closed cycle hot air engines.

史特林發動機(Stirling Engine)是一種閉循環活塞式熱機。閉循環的意思是工作燃氣一直保存在氣缸內,而開循環則如內燃機和一些蒸汽機需要與大氣交換氣體。史特林發動機一般被歸為外燃機

スターリングエンジンStirling engine)は、シリンダー内のガス(もしくは空気等)を外部から加熱・冷却し、その体積の変化により仕事を得る外燃機関。熱交換をすることによってカルノーサイクルと同じ理論効率となる。スコットランド牧師ロバート・スターリング1816年に発明し、名称はこれに由来する。

Двигун Стірлінга (ДС) — тепловий двигун із зовнішнім підводом тепла. Він працює за замкненим термодинамічним циклом циклом Стирлінга. Незмінна кількість робочої речовини циркулює між двома камерами із різними температурами, де по черзі нагрівається та охолоджується. За рахунок цього робоча речовина міняє свій об'єм і рухає робочі поршні. Роберт Стірлінг запантентував цей тип двигуна у 1816 році.


適於初學者的史特林引擎網頁"英文版,可轉換到日文版,轉換後變成亂碼時記得用滑鼠點檢視/編碼/日文(自動選取)"  http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/~khirata/indexe.htm
Web科學工作館 http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/kobysh/index.html


(1) http://www.mech.ce.nihon-u.ac.jp/~hiroichi/kenkyu/se/se_01_01.htm
(2) http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/kobysh/stirling/stirlingIntro.html
(3) http://www.nmri.go.jp/eng/khirata/stirling/highse/


Stirling engine



美國史特林引擎(Stirling Engines)公司 http://www.stirlingengine.com/

木製史特林引擎的製作(可能移到 http://www.edu.pref.ibaraki.jp/board/index.htm ) http://www.edu.pref.ibaraki.jp/center/zyouhou/sozai_db/gijyutu/2/en01.htm

史特林引擎字典 Stirling Engines Dictionary(有日文版及英文版) http://www.nmri.go.jp/eng/khirata/stirling/mainmenu_j.html

中一中及女中學生學習製作史特林引擎 http://www.dajiyuan.com/b5/6/4/16/n1289269.htm

史特林引擎與能源教育 http://www.tier.org.tw/energymonthly/200603/24.pdf

大家來製作史特林引擎模型船↓ http://www.nmri.go.jp/eng/khirata/stirling/boat_design/index_j.html
手のひらの温もりで回る、低温度差スターリングエンジン http://www.e-khp.com/ltd.htm
史特林引擎(外燃機)、蒸汽機、柴油汽油內燃機  http://julieta.mech.ibaraki.ac.jp/jshinozu/Engine/engine_j.html

アイコン&お絵描き工房 http://www.warbirds.jp/kiyochan/index.html

 垃圾當能源 史特林引擎造出「婆娑車」

Building a MAME console inside a TARDIS 多平台大型電玩模擬器 與 電話亭


多平台大型電玩模擬器 與 電話亭

Fig 1. Console unfolding
Fig 5. Defender circa 1980 

How MAME supports controls

MAME basically treats key presses from the standard PC keyboard as digital inputs (like buttons or digital joysticks) on a real arcade machine. For example the arrow keys map to left, right, up and down joystick movements and pressing CTRL and ALT is like hitting the fire buttons. MAME also supports things like PC mice and trackballs as well as analogue joysticks. The good thing about MAME is all the controls are configurable. It also provides keys for things like the player select buttons and to simulate people inserting coins into the machine.
Fig 7. iPac controller Fig 7. iPac controller(鍵盤訊號模擬電路)
A MAME control panel will usually have a bunch of buttons and joysticks and other controls that are wired up to simulate pressing keyboard keys. There are several ways of doing this. You can modify an existing keyboard and wire the buttons into that. This is commonly known as a 'keyboard hack'. There are limitations to this method however and, as Dirty Harry says, "A man's got to know his limitations". A much better method is to use a keyboard encoder (such as the iPac made by Ultimarc). This is a piece of hardware you plug into a keyboard or USB port. It has on it a variety of inputs that you can then wire buttons to. Pressing a button causes the controller to send the appropriate key press signal to the PC. These controls are usually very powerful and flexible allowing you to reprogram what buttons simulate which keyboard keys as well as allowing you to program in special feature like shift keys and even macros to simulate pressing combinations of keys in specific orders.

Fig 18. Walls, doors and pull to open panel

150913 식스밤SixBomb (소아) - Step To Me [거리공연 대학로] by drighk 직캠fancam 韓國 女子 團體 露妹妹 駱蹄 駱駝蹄 Camel Toe 칠학년일반 Year 7 Class 1 七學年一班

150913 식스밤SixBomb (소아) - Step To Me [거리공연 대학로] by drighk 직캠fancam



Camel toe korean

Camel toe japanese

Camel toe taiwanese

Camel toe china

Camel toe

Camel toe tokyo

NO MORE SHOW 노모쇼 Sexy Girls Show TV - YouTube
韓國 深夜 情色 節目

150912 7学年1班 オッパウイルス Year7 Class1 Oppa Virus @ Showbox

직캠/Fancam 칠학년일반(Year 7 Class 1) - Always & 하얀바람 (White Wind) Choreography 4K 60fps

arduino PLC 2012新創公司,重是貿易與基於開源的工業自動化產品 130~420歐




Founded in October 2012, IndustrialShields.com is growing with the aim to become the biggest e-commerce of industrial automation electronic devices based on Open Source Hardware electronics in Spain and one of the leaders in Europe and the World.

Our goal is to offer the widest choice of products at a very reasonable costs compared with the products that are developed under the current market leaders of this market. We also offer the possibility to buy this directly to us online in order to save the different markups that the distributors and retailers are adding to the price that the final users pays.

Based in Barberà del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain, we are currently delivering Worldwide to the main industrialized markets. Nowadays, Boot and Work Corp S.L. is an independent private company with the majority shareholders being their Management team, which is formed by 5 people, which are Industrial Engineers, Electronic Engineers and Software Engineers. Our products are unique as until now there is no other industrial complete PLC bases on Open Source Hardware that can be bought at the prices offered by us.

Our R&D department is developing a broad variety of products with the aim to satisfy the industrial companies giving priority to the Quality and the Safety. We are also offering an open source license that lets our customers to know in deep the products which at the same time lets them take profit from very low cost developing costs.

Our address is:
IndustrialShields (by Boot & Work Corp, S.L. )
Divina Pastora, 13-15 baixos 3
08241 Manresa (Barcelona)
VAT number: B65907990

Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 43,533, Page 145, Sheet  431,678, 1st Entry.

Products that we are currently selling are:

PLC based on Arduino (PNP, NPN, Relé, analogical, …)
產品支援使用arduino 編輯器與語法

Touch Screen with integrated Linux system
Industrial sensors
Mechanical and Electronic devices
Machinery automation and human interface add-on
Our Marketing team is continuously registering our products under Creative Commons license as well as looking constantly at the market needs. At Industrial Shields you will find all the hardware need to make all of your automations, but you will also find a Technical Service which will offer you continuous advice about the product itself and the associated software.

The mission of www.industrialshields.com is to be your main marketplace for the Open Source Hardware for automation.

Logistics and Production

Most part of our products are available on the shelf and ready to be shipped immediately from our offices and warehouse in Barcelona (Spain). This gives us the flexibility to deliver our products in the shortest period of time. In our facilities in Barcelona we manufacture, warehouse and ship the orders by skilled workers.

Also we are developing a distribution network around the world that in the near future will held a local stock for an even better response to customer needs.

Warranty - Devolutions

Our products have the highest quality but in case there is a need to return a product to industrial shields you can send an email detailing your reasons to do so to the following address: industrialshields@industrialshields.com with the Subject: DEVOLUTION. You will receive our response in the next labor day on how to proceed

Warranty claim

To claim a product under warranty you only need to indicate the invoice number under which the product was shipped. All our Industial Shields brand products have 2 year time of warranty from shipment for manufacturing malfunction. Products sold at our website from other companies have the warranty offered by their respective manufacturers.


Bank transfer
We will be delivering your products after receiving the overall amount of the products to be delivered. These will be shipped immediately after payment if they are on stock.

Our bank details are:

Beneficiary:     Boot & Work Corp, S.L.
Bank:         Banco de Sabadell
IBAN:    ES33 0081 0111 0000 0136 6740
Account number:     0081-0111-00-0001366740

Credit card

We accept the majority of debit and credit card (VISA, VISA ELECTRON, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal...) through an advanced payment selling terminal with 3D secure system.  With this system our server never keep any data about related to your credit card.

Customer Feedback

We listen to what our customers tell us. In fact, one of the things that distinguish us from other companies is that we have designed our products from the suggestions made by our customers. If you feel that can add your thoughts to our products, please feel free to send an email to suggestions@industrialshields.com



控制器方面 觸控面板 有 10寸 android linux 64/32bit  多核心

- (1x) Ethernet Port.

- (1x) USB port (type B).

- (1x) I2C port. (Lets you add additiona modules: I/Os, other PLC Ardbox, sensors, ...).*

- (4x) Serial ports. (RS232, RS485)*

- (1x) Mod Bus.*



20 I/Os PLC

The first Industrial Hardware based on Open Source

PLC Arduino ARDBOX 20 I/Os Analog
10 Inputs 24Vdc (of with 9 can be 0-10Vcc Analog)

10 Outputs (24hVdc) with 7 Analog out (0-10Vcc)

6 Analog Inputs 0-10Vdc + 4 Digital Inputs (24Vdc)

8 Relay Outputs (220Vac - 5A) + 2 Analog output (0-10Vdc)

Ethernet PLC

Industrial controller based on Arduino, with Ethernet

M-DUINO PLC Arduino 19R I/Os Relay / Analog / Digital
6 Input

11 Output

M-DUINO PLC Arduino 21 I/Os Analog/Digital
13 Input

8 Output

M-DUINO PLC Arduino 38R I/Os Relay / Analog / Digital
12 Input

22 Output

M-DUINO PLC Arduino 42 I/Os Analog/Digital
26 Input

16 Output


M-DUINO PLC Arduino 57R I/Os Relay / Analog / Digital
18 Input

31 Output

M-DUINO PLC Arduino 58 I/Os Analog/Digital
36 Input

22 Output

Panel PC
Input Voltage

58 I/Os
Digital, Analog, PWM


Industrial communications


Qty:  Product Code: IS.MDuino.58
Availability: In Stock
Technical Specifications

Input/Output (58 I/Os) (Arduino Mega included)

- 36 Input:

(16x) Analogic/digital which are configurable by Jumpers and software1
(14x) Digital.
(6x) Interrupt Digital.
- 22 Output:

(8x) Digital/analogic/PWM configurable by Jumpers and software1.
(14x) Digital PNP.

- (1x) Ethernet Port.

- (1x) USB port (type B).

- (1x) I2C port. (Lets you add additiona modules: I/Os, other PLC Ardbox, sensors, ...).*

- (4x) Serial ports. (RS232, RS485)*

- (1x) Mod Bus.*

Other Technica specs:

Máx power consumption: 1.2A

Flash Memory:

256kB (8kB are used for the bootloader)



Clock Speed: 16MHz

The first Panel PC with Linux / Android, based on Open Source Hardware

HummTOUCH 10.1" Android
64Bit, dual core

With digital inputs and outputs

HummTOUCH 10.1" Linux
64Bit, dual core

With digital inputs and outputs

Linux OS

With digital inputs and outputs

HummingBoard Carrier Pro
