2015年12月4日 星期五



《 以下是 使用 瀏覽器 線上 執行 的 N64 遊戲 模擬器 》

《 以下是技術面的內容 》

A Big List of Browser-Based Emulators and Ports of Classic Games



Emulators written in JavaScript

A list of emulators written in the JavaScript programming language
This list started as a compilation of JavaScript emulators posted to Echo JS over the years. If you know about any missing emulators, please consider adding them to the collection : the source for this page is available on GitHub. Thank you in advance. - Lastly, if you are into JavaScript, you might enjoy Echo JS.
  • Apple IIjs - An Apple ][ Emulator in JavaScript
  • a2 - A fast, WebGL optimized Apple ][+ emulator.
  • Apple2JS - A JavaScript emulator for the Apple II 
  • 1964js - JavaScript port of the 1964 N64 emulator for Windows
  • CycloaJS - JavaScript NES Emulator (Source)
  • GBA.js - Game Boy Advance in the Browser
  • (Source)
  • GameBoy Online - JavaScript GameBoy Color emulator (Source)
  • IodineGBA - A GameBoy Advance emulator written entirely in JavaScript (Source)
  • JS-VBA-M - JavaScript port of VisualBoyAdvance-M, a Game Boy Color / Advance emulator
  • JSNES - A JavaScript NES emulator (Source)
  • Nezulator - A NES emulator in JavaScript
  • XNES - Experimental JavaScript Super Nintendo emulators (Source)
  • fam - JavaScript NES emulator (Source)
  • jsGB - A GameBoy emulator in JavaScript (Source)
  • mupen64plus - A port of the popular Nintendo 64 emulator for the Web (Source)
  • n64js - An N64 emulator in JavaScript (Source
  • JS/Linux - JavaScript PC emulator
  • JsDOSBox - JavaScript PC DOS emulator (Source)
  • PCjs - IBM PC Model 5150 emulator
  • Virtual x86 - An x86 emulator written in JavaScript (Source)
  • jemul8 - An object-oriented JavaScript x86 emulator for Node.js and the Browser (Source)
  • jsbochs - Bochs PC emulator for the Browser (Source)
  • jsSMS - JavaScript Sega Master System & Game Gear emulator (Source)
  • Miracle - Sega Master System emulator (Source)
  • JSMESS - The JavaScript MESS (Multi Emulator Super System) (Source)
  • PCE - PC emulators in JavaScript (Atari ST, IBM PC 5150, Macintosh, RC759 Piccoline)
  • RetroArch - JavaScript port of RetroArch (bundles Gambatte (Gameboy), Genesis Plus GX, Handy (Lynx), Snes9x Next, VBA Next (GameBoy Advance), Tyrquake and FinalBurn Alpha)

日前google 發布 Chrome no longer supports NPAPI (technology required for Java applets)
Chrome 不久將不支援Java Web Start(從Web 下載並執行Java 應用程式)

