2015年12月9日 星期三

錯誤偵測碼 錯誤檢查碼 error-detecting code AES Blowfish DES 3DES IDEA RC2 RC5 TEA XTEA CRC32 MD5 SHA1 SFV MD5 Checksum

 錯誤偵測碼(error-detecting code) 


Schneier on Security: Applied Cryptography: Source Code
Applied Cryptography

Source Code
This is the source code that accompanies Applied Cryptography, Second Edition, plus additional material from public sources. The source code here has been collected from a variety of places. Some code will not run on some machines. Use it as you see fit, but be aware of any copyright notices on the individual files.

If you prefer, you can order a copy of these files on CD for US$40.

Author : Pate Williams 
Date : 1996 
Description: 3-WAY algorithm.

Date : 1997 
Description: A5 stream cipher, used in GSM cellular.

Authors : Jef Poskanzer and Dave Zimmerman 
Date : 1996 

Description: Implementations in Java of DES, IDEA, Blowfish, RC4, and SHA.

DUB - The D package registry
Package botan version 1.11.10
Packages  Getting Started  Development  Package format  Download

A D library for crypto and TLS

Package Information

Version 1.11.10 (2015-Feb-17)
Repository https://github.com/etcimon/botan
License 2-BSD
Authors Jack Lloyd, Etienne Cimon, See CREDITS.md for more.
Registered by Etienne Cimon

http://www.peazip.org/verify-checksum-hash.htmlVerify hash and checksum, file integrity checker

Compute CRC, MD5, SHA hash values to detect data corruption

