2015年12月5日 星期六

Comparison firewall sandbox 沙箱 防火牆 比較, Real Time Operating System rtos RTOS ( 即時)實時處理 作業系統

沙箱 防火牆 比較

BufferZone Pro 3.41-14
DefenseWall Personal Firewall 3.09
GeSWall Pro 2.9.1

Sandbox 3.50

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) - FortiSandbox

SECURITY Next-Gen Firewall Advantages
下一代 防火牆 的條件
Make sure your business takes advantage of the value of a modern, multifunctional firewall.

All-in-one functionality多合一功能,包含 防毒 與 通訊協定安全管理
Greater visibility and control好的操作方式與介面,並且方便
Simplified management自動化的設定與可被監看管理,還有更新能力
Better security即時資料洩漏與輪流巡羅,可邏輯話設定的規則
Lower total cost of ownership更低的總成本

  • IS THERE A VIRTUAL FIREWALL IN YOUR FUTURE? Eight essentials to guide your way.

  • Firewalls 101: Hardware, Software & Web Application Firewalls

Google search

 Real Time Operating System (or RTOS)
Time RTOS-32
Win32 API Compatible Embedded RTOS
  • Following are questions that have been asked frequently about On Time RTOS-32 and its components, along with our answers to these questions.

  • http://www.on-time.comOn Time RTOS-32
    Win32 API Compatible Embedded RTOS
    On Time's royalty-free embedded operating system for protected mode 32/64-bit x86 CPUs meets hard real-time requirements and implements a Windows subset kernel in only 16k of RAM/ROM. It can be fully integrated in Microsoft Visual Studio and supports about 400 Win32 API functions.

