2015年12月26日 星期六

一個 3d 方塊 繪圖 的有趣 app 軟體

Cube Construct: the 3D pixel tool for iPad
一個 3d 方塊 繪圖 的有趣 app 軟體
iPad app open source

A 3D Pixel Art app for your iPad!
Thanks to the easy to use, intuitive interface everyone can create beautiful
3D Pixel Art in no time. With the public gallery you can view and edit 3D pixels
from other users and share your own.

Some Recent Creations

Voxel Builder
Voxel Builder
Easy cube-based 3D design with DIY 2D/3D printing
一個 java script 網頁 小軟體 提供你用 瀏覽器 3d 建立自己的 方塊模型 , 還可以繪出 方塊 紙模型
Use the Builder to create and edit voxel (AKA cube) models.

 相當完整 Minddesk Qubicle 2.5 - Professional Voxel Editor For Modding And Game Development

Minddesk Qubicle 2.5 - Professional Voxel Editor For ...

Android  apps
VoxelMaker Lets You Build 3D Pixel Art Worlds With Simple Touch Controls And Dynamic Lighting

So you're not an artist, no problem. VoxelMaker allows you to create any scene you can dream up and render it with lighting effects, depth of field, and more. What can you build with hundreds of tiny cubes? Probably lots of things.

18 ratings
by Nostatic Software
100 - 500 downloads
Discover more apps with Playboard for Android

Voxelart Project

Noxell 一個簡單的 
Introducing Zoxel
I needed to edit small voxel models for a voxel based project I've been hacking on.  After hunting around for a while, I couldn't find a simple, open-source, Linux friendly application.  So I've started development on my own, Zoxel.

Zoxel is written in pure Python, with minimal dependancies.  It's being developed on Linux Mint, an Ubuntu variant.
Version 0.1.0 is available.  It's pretty minimal, think MS Paint for voxels.
Source is available from Github here.
Instructions how to run Zoxel are here.

MagicaVoxel - Home
Magicavoxel ( Win / Mac ) created by @ephtracy

a free lightweight 8-bit voxel editor and interactive path tracing renderer
New Home Page : ephtracy.github.io
MagicaVoxel Editor 0.97 | 11/30/2015

Enhanced Brushes, Improved UI and File System Download | Tutorial
Support Transparent voxels with Refraction and Attenuation

These tools provide a means of editing voxel models.

Sproxel: What Is Sproxel?
What Is Sproxel?
Sproxel (short for "Sprite Voxel Editor") is a 3d interface designed to let the user quickly create and edit voxel-based 3d models. The creation process and resulting geometry can be thought of as an extension to 2d pixel art. 
Sproxel is an open source project hosted on google code here: Project Page.  It is being developed on both

 Windows and Linux using the QT windowing framework,

 which should keep it snappy and extensible well into the future.  Sproxel is still in its infancy, but can already generate sprites for custom display and/or game engines.   

Home | blackflux.com

VoxelShop is an extremely intuitive and powerful software for OSX, Windows and Linux to modify and create voxel objects. It was designed from the ground up in close collaboration with artists. The program is in alpha and features are being still added.

nirasan's tech blog
趣味や仕事の覚え書きです。Linux, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Javascript, Android, Cocos2d-x, Unity などに興味があります。
Voxel とは
volume のある pixel ということで、3D のピクセルアート的なもののことだそう。

What are the best voxel editors? - Slant

