2015年11月13日 星期五

自己架主機 ,自己雲服務 http://liminality.xyz/self-hosting/

自己架主機 ,自己雲服務


ownCloud 自建網路儲存空間https://owncloud.org

OwnCloud is a great replacement for DropboxGoogle Drive or Microsoft's OneDrive. It has a slick web interface, desktop sync clients for Linux, Windows and OS X, and mobile clients for Android and iOS.
Tiny Tiny RSS 自建 訊息傳播 與 網站新聞異動發布  RSS https://tt-rss.org/gitlab/fox/tt-rss/wikis/home
Google Reader's untimely demise spawned two popular feed aggregators, Feedly and Feedbin. Tiny Tiny RSS is a fantastic alternative. It supports content filtering, podcast aggregation, plugins, theming, and social media sharing. It's primarily a web app, but it also has an official Android client.

Ghost 同創作平台,寫部落格或文章 的 服務https://ghost.org

This blog runs on Ghost. Ghost.org offers a hosted version, but you can also download it here and self-host. Ghost provides a great writing experience — and unlike Medium, Svbtle and Blogger, you have complete control over your data.

GitLab 就是 Git 簡單版,附RSS
GitLab is great for self-hosting both public and private Git projects. It has a robust permission system, supports merge requests, works well with continuous integration servers, and includes a per-project wiki and issue tracker. It's not as social as GitHub, but it's just as powerful. Tiny Tiny RSS (above) is hosted on GitLab.

RocketChat 字面上來說就是個語音視訊聊天室吧
RocketChat is a polished, extensible Slack alternative. It supports video and audio conferencing (which Slack lacks), link previews and file sharing, and has native clients for Windows, OS X, Linux, Android and iOS.

就是個多媒體傳流 音樂 與檔案管理的分享平台, 算是個已經架好的網站吧,另外你可以 “ 同步雲 ” ,就是 你可以下載 App, 與網站上的帳號 “” 同步
Ampache is a simple web-based audio and video streaming server. Ampache could make a good alternative to Rdio, Spotify or iTunes Music, or you could use ownCloud to synchronise your music between systems.

A web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device

