2015年11月10日 星期二

程式語言 比較 , 程式設計的 實用讀本 網站 Comparison Programming Chrestomathy Rosetta Code Programming Languages commonly used features in a side-by-side format

programming chrestomathy

 Programming Chrestomathy

A chrestomathy is a sample of a given text in two or more different languages, for the purpose of teaching the different grammars and idioms.
m-w.com says
 1 : a selection of passages used to help learn a language
 2 : a volume of selected passages or stories of an author


Chrestomathy (/krɛsˈtɒməθi/ kres-tom-ə-thee; from the Ancient Greek χρηστομάθεια “desire of learning” = χρηστός “useful” + μανθάνω “learn”) is a collection of choice literary passages, used especially as an aid in learning a subject.

簡單來說,就是 程式設計的 實用讀本

Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site.

 The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many 

Rosetta Code 是個 “ 程式設計的 實用讀本 ” 網站,發想是 展示 方案(寫程式碼的方案), 介紹 可執行的許多方法,與語言 ,展現更多語言的不同語區別,

different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, 

and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.


 Rosetta Code currently has 780 tasks, 175 draft tasks, and is aware of 595 languages

though we do not (and cannot) have solutions to every task in every language.


實作 Unux 目錄指令 ls

實作 資料驗證 MD5
The purpose of this task to code and validate an implementation of the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm by coding the algorithm directly (not using a call to a built-in or external hashing library). 



Programming Languages
commonly used features in a side-by-side format

Scripting Languages I:Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby
Scripting Languages II:Perl, Lua, Groovy
GUI Scripting:JavaScript, Smalltalk, Tcl, AutoHotkey
Command Line Interpreters:POSIX Shell, Cmd.exe, PowerShell
Forth and PostScript:Forth, PostScript
Prolog and Erlang:Prolog, Erlang
Lisp Dialects:Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp
C and Go:C, Go
OO C Style Languages:C++, Objective-C, Java, C#
Rust, Swift, Scala:Rust, Swift, Scala
TypeScript, Dart, Hack:TypeScript, Dart, Hack
Pascal Style Languages:Pascal, Ada, PL/pgSQL
ML Dialects and Haskell:SML, OCaml, F#, Haskell
Numerical Analysis & Statistics:MATLAB, R, NumPy
Computer Algebra Software:Mathematica, SymPy, GAP, Pari/GP
Gnuplot and GLPK:Gnuplot, GLPK
Fortran and APL:Fortran, APL
Relational Data Languages:SQL, Awk, Pig

Programming Tools

Unix Shells:Bash, Fish, Ksh, Tcsh, Zsh
Text Mode Editors:Vim, Emacs, Nano
Version Control:Git, Mercurial
Build Tools:Make, Rake, Ant, MSBuild
Terminal Multiplexers:Screen, Tmux
Relational Databases:PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite
Lightweight Markup:Markdown, reStructuredText, MediaWiki, AsciiDoc, Org-mode
2D Vector Graphics:PostScript, Processing, SVG

http://eqcode.com/wiki/Main_PageEqcode aims to show "equivalent codes for all languages," so it provides an index of common languages with drill-downs to specific concepts or tasks, such as removing a specific element from an array or constructing a regex to match an email address. The breadth of languages is decent, but the concepts addressed are somewhat scattershot, and it isn't updated often; 
equivalent code wiki - eqcode.com
Equivalent codes for all languages!
2015-11-10 07:32 (UTC)


CrossWise is a quick reference for computer languages used in website programming. Specifically, it compares languages side-by-side, feature-by-feature, so that you can understand the differences in syntax and concepts between languages so that you can port your site, or yourself, more quickly and with less frustration.
We're still early in the project so bear with me. Send too allan att tactileint daught calm and tell me what you think.
他是提供你一個 電腦語言 的 快速手冊,比較 電腦語言 之間 的特色

Turn your nose up at Dart and instead smell the CoffeeScript

PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook


The latest status is accessible from here (the Perl part is the Solutions from the Perl Cookbook, the rest is PLEAC contents):

Related links

These are interesting projects on the same topic (thanks to Pixel):

