2015年11月26日 星期四


Uzebox Starter Kit - v1.0 是一個 AVR 處理器,簡單的單版 ,8 bit 遊戲機 模擬器 ,由SD卡載入
CPU: ATmega644 microcontroller
Total RAM: 4K
Program Memory: 64K
Speed: 28.61818Mhz (Overclocked)
Colors: 256 simultaneous colors arranged in a 3:3:2 color space (Red:3 bits, Green:3 bits, Blue: 2 bits)
Resolution: Up to 360x224 pixels支援的銀幕是RCA AV端子 (tiles-only and tiles-and-sprites modes)
Sprites: Up to 32 simultaneous sprites on screen at any time 支援32個物件角色的動畫
Video output: NTSC Composite and S-Video (Works without changes on most PAL/SECAM TVs)
Sound: 5 channels, 8-bit mono, mixed at ~15Khz and output via PWM 用脈波寬度調變的方式模擬8bit音效
Inputs: Two NES/SNES compatible joypad inputs 使用 超任 的搖桿
Options: MIDI-in interface 可以有一個 MIDI 輸入 ( 這應該是 可以 外插 飛行搖桿 之類的用途

The Uzebox is a fully open-source, DIY 8-bit game console. It is designed specifically for people who know a little bit of programming to expand into designing and creating their own video games and demos. A full-featured core runs in the background and does all the video and audio processing so that your code stays clean and easy to understand.

This electronic kit comes unassembled: it includes the PCB, pre-programmed chip, and all components including a pre-soldered video chip. All but one of the components are through-hole, so you can build it yourself without difficulty. However, it is a 1-2 hr project and its best to have used your soldering iron before this project.

Each order comes with a full Uzebox kit including all components, an SNES controller, RCA A/V cable and SD card full of awesome games you can start playing immediately. A 9V power supply is also required,
有一隻搖桿跟 電視線 記憶卡

 you can use one you have at home or pick one up from our shop. You may also want to get an extra SNES controller or an NTSC display. 支援超任搖桿與美規電視

The photos above show a kit with power supply and display attached for demonstration.

 A video display and 9V adapter are NOT included! 他沒有附變壓器跟螢幕,你要自己買

 To program in new games directly without using the SD card loader, 會有256MB SD卡,預載了遊戲

you'll probably want an AVR programmer such as a USBtiny 他的AVR可以被USBTINY 上載線更新

Full 256 simultaneous output colors, 240x224 pixel resolution
Tile & sprite support
Two player ports for use with Super Nintendo controllers
NTSC RCA composite and S-video out (PAL not supported at this time)
4 channel output mono audio for music and effects 同時有4通道(和玹)的音樂效果
SD/MMC card support for loading in games over a card 遊戲都放在SD卡里
Built on an Atmel AVR core, 64KB flash and 4KB of RAM
Write game code in C, using fully open source tools on any platform

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