2015年11月17日 星期二

電子 電路 教學 Arduino tutorials circuit breadboard electronic circuits schematic

 Arduino tutorials circuit  breadboard electronic circuits schematic.

This is the start page for our series of over fifty Arduino tutorials. Each tutorial from chapter zero to thirteen will cover a variety of topics and lessons, then from chapter fourteen each chapter will cover a particular topic.


If you are looking to learn about the world of Arduino – this is a great place for beginners to start, or for more experienced users to brush up on their knowledge. Scroll down to read the contents of each chapter. New tutorials, lessons and other articles of interest are announced via twitter, Google+, RSS feed and by email – to keep up, subscribe using the form in the column to the right.

如果您想了解的Arduino的世界 - 這是一個偉大的地方,適合初學者開始,或更有經驗的用戶刷上自己的知識。向下滾動到閱讀每一章節的內容。新教程,經驗教訓和其他感興趣的文章通過Twitter,谷歌,RSS提要,並通過電子郵件宣布 - 跟上,訂閱列在右邊使用的形式。

If you’d rather have a great book on Arduino – check out my new book “Arduino Workshop” from No Starch Press. 

But what is it? From their web page:

如果你寧願有一個偉大的書上的Arduino - 看看我的新書“的Arduino工作坊”,從沒有澱粉出版社。


Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It’s intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments.


Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software on running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing,MaxMSP).

Arduino的也可以從各種傳感器接收輸入感測環境,並且可以通過控制燈,馬達,和其它致動器影響其周圍。在電路板上的微控制器使用Arduino的編程語言(基於佈線)和Arduino的開發環境(基於處理)進行編程。 Arduino的項目可以獨立或者與軟件上的計算機(例如,閃光,處理中,MaxMSP)上運行的通信。

The boards can be built by hand or purchased preassembled; the software can be downloaded for free. The hardware reference designs (CAD files) are available under an open-source license, you are free to adapt them to your needs.

Arduino received an Honorary Mention in the Digital Communities section of the 2006 Ars Electronica Prix. The Arduino team is: Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe,Gianluca Martino, and David Mellis.


Arduino的獲得了榮譽獎,在2006年電子藝術大獎的數字社區部分。 Arduino的球隊是:馬西莫板仔,大衛Cuartielles,湯姆Igoe,贊布羅塔馬蒂諾和大衛梅利斯。

If you are shopping for your first Arduino board, please don’t use an Arduino Leonardo – the pinouts vary and for some chapters of this tutorial the board will not work and is not supported here. There isn’t anything wrong with the Leonardo, it just isn’t fully backwards compatible with Uno boards.

如果你購買你的第一個Arduino板,請不要使用一個Arduino萊昂納多 - 該引腳有所不同,在本教程中某些章節的板將無法工作,此處不支持。有沒有什麼不對的萊昂納多,它只是不與歐諾板完全向後兼容。

Over semi-regular intervals you will find a new instalment of my tutorials. If you have not used the system before, please start with Chapter Zero! In the first few chapters of the tutorials we refer to the book “Getting Started with Arduino” by Massimo Banzi.


Technical support for the tutorials is available by asking a question in the Tronixstuff forum. After a few weeks I would hope that you have enough building blocks of knowledge to be able to bring your ideas to life!


Update – 04/02/2014: I have written these tutorials in a period spanning over three years. During this time several versions of the Arduino IDE have been published. I am endeavoring to update the tutorials so that they work with the latest Arduino v1.0.6 (or newer) IDE. In the meanwhile, you can run both v23 (old) and v1.0.1 (and more) on the same machine. Any tutorial noted as updated on 24/11/2012 or later works with the new IDE. Dates are in day-month-year format. Any questions – contact us.
So without further ado, beginners start at chapter zero – or choose your topic of interest:

更新 - 2014年4月2日:我曾經在一個時期跨越超過三年寫這些教程。在這段時間的幾個版本阿爾杜伊諾的IDE已經出版。我努力使他們與最新的1.0.6版本的Arduino(或更新版本)IDE一起更新的教程。在此期間,您可以運行在同一台機器上都V23(舊)和1.0.1(及以上)。記為更新24/11/2012或更高版本的教程將使用新的IDE。日期是在日 - 月 - 年的格式。如有任何問題 - 與我們聯繫。
因此,事不宜遲,初學者在開始零一章 - 或者選擇感興趣的話題:

google 翻譯網頁

Tutorial – LM3915 Logarithmic Dot/Bar Display Driver IC

Tutorial – Arduino and EM406A GPS


AN-162 LM2907 Tachometer/Speed Switch Building Block Applications
LM2907/LM2917 Frequency to Voltage Converter

LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver
AN-460 LM34/LM35 Precision Monolithic Temperature Sensors

Dynamo-Powered LED Light Circuits for Bicycles

How to build a Solid State Tesla Coil

Easy High Voltage
輕鬆 產生 製造 高電壓

Simple Dual-voltage Tracking Power Supply for 3 to 15 volts
LM317, LM337, LF351, LM108, 78L08, TL071
A zip file containing PDF and jpg of the above schematic is here: http://joebrown.org.uk/images/DualPSU/fwpsu.zip
End of update
The Eagle schematic for the Dual Tracking PSU is here: http://joebrown.org.uk/images/DualPSU/SplitSupply_Tracking.sch
and the printed circuit board layout here: http://.joebrown.org.uk/images/DualPSU/SplitSupply_Tracking.brd
The FrontDesigner project file is here: http://joebrown.org.uk/images/DualPSU/DualTrackingVariablePSU.FPL
and a high definition exported image file is here: http://joebrown.org.uk/images/DualPSU/DualTrackingVariablePSU_FPL.JPG

LM317L-N3-Terminal AdjustableRegulator 

LM150/LM350A/LM350 3-Amp Adjustable Regulators

LM723/LM723C Voltage Regulator



lm723 2N3055 LM723 CA3140 2N3055 LM317 Transistor
Adjustable Output, Positive Voltage Regulator
Voltage Regulator High precision protection Adjustable current regulator
Voltage Precision Adjustable   Regulator Current Regulator Calculator LM317 LM338 LM350 LM723


