2015年10月6日 星期二

RJ TextEd 強大的多國語言編輯器

RJ TextEd - A Unicode source and text editor.

Below is a small list of features available in the program.
Auto completion.
Code folding.
Column mode.
Multi edit and multi select
Document map
Advanced sorting.
Handles both ASCII and binary files.
CSS and HTML wizards.
Dockable panels.
FTP and SFTP client with synchronization.
File explorer, text clips, code explorer, project manager...
Convert between code pages, Unicode formats and text formats.
Unicode and ANSI code page detection.
Open/Save UTF-8 encoded files without a signature (BOM).
Unicode file paths and file names.
HTML validation, format and repair.

Tools available like syntax editor, color picker, charmap...

Main window

The main window with some different settings.
Default panels and views, but with dark editor colors.
Charcoal dark slate theme with code explorer panel.
HTML preview.
File manager and (S)FTP client.
Find all result + code explorer panels.
Text clips and symbols panels.
The home tab view.

Options and addons

Both are available from the environment menu.
Many options can be set per highlighter (file type), but you can always set a default option.


你可以選擇 搜尋 取代  全部 或是 逐步
Incremental search (Ctrl+E).

RJ TextEd running under Microsoft Windows
Developer(s) Rickard Johansson
Stable release 9.20 / July 18, 2014
Preview release 10.00 alpha 2 / October 24, 2014
Written in Delphi
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Text editor
License Freeware

