2015年10月11日 星期日

PiPhone – A Raspberry Pi based Smartphone 紅莓 手機 樹莓


PiPhone – A Raspberry Pi based Smartphone

IMG_0872c Lapse Pi
Raspberry Pi Model B – $40
PiTFT Touchscreen 320×240 – $35
2500mAh LiPo battery – $15
SIM900 GSM/GPRS module – $48
DC-DC boost converter 3.3V – 5V 1A – $10
Cables, connectors, switch, etc.  – $10


軟體 開源 專案 SoftwareCode  GitHub

All the instructions are there, and links on what to do to install the PiTFT, (你需要自己去看如何安裝這個)etc. Circuits None. :)  It’s all made from off the shelf components.   About the Author: By day I’m a senior embedded Linux software engineer. In my spare time, I take pictures, and play with gadgets and technology. Google Plus: 更多照片和原作帳號https://plus.google.com/u/0/103494825025710742625/postsTwitter: https://twitter.com/climberhunt @climberhunt Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidhuntphotography Be sure to check out my other Raspberry Pi related articles, and if you like, you can subscribe by entering your email address at the top right of the page. :) Code is now available at 原始碼位置 https://github.com/climberhunt/PiPhone Note: There’s now a guide on learn.更多手冊 跟電路圖adafruit.com with new diagrams and information on building your own PiPhone: https://learn.adafruit.com/piphone-a-raspberry-pi-based-cellphone

