2015年10月3日 星期六

Emerald 程式碼編輯工具

Emerald Editor 
起初 設計來 符合 多重目標 的 開放原始碼軟體,功能性文字編輯器,修改自 Crimson Editor,其 版權宣告 符合於 GNU General Public License.

There is currently no active development for this project due to lack of people who meet two mandatory requirements to be qualified as a Crimson Editor Developer  :
C/C++ programming skills.
Time and desire to work on the project.

This is pretty much it. So anyone willing to work on it is more than welcome to dive into the code and try to make the program better.

Features we plan to include:

Syntax highlighting (which you can add to yourself)
Powerful search/replace functions, using regular expressions 超強的 搜尋 修改 功能
Planned to be available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and BSD. (Builds of existing code have been achieved on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris) 多平台的執行

Lively and friendly discussion on the forums (oh, wait, we have that already)好的討論
Integrated plug-in system to allow custom extensions without resorting to C/C++ code, adding very specific, complex functionality on demand 插件 系統 讓你 客製化 插件

...did we say already that it is going to be fast, lightweight and functional? 我有說了 將會快點,輕便和快速

