2015年10月14日 星期三

有關 字串 發音 搜尋 phonetic algorithm Soundex 模糊 搜尋 演算法 自動完成

 approximate string matching
In computer science, approximate string matching (often colloquially referred to as fuzzy string searching) is the technique of finding strings that match a pattern approximately (rather than exactly). The problem of approximate string matching is typically divided into two sub-problems: finding approximate substring matches inside a given string and finding dictionary strings that match the pattern approximately

This article is about the phonetic algorithm. For the Rock n' Soul band, see the SoundEx.
Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling.[1] The algorithm mainly encodes consonants; a vowel will not be encoded unless it is the first letter. Soundex is the most widely known of all phonetic algorithms (in part because it is a standard feature of popular database software such as DB2, PostgreSQL,[2] MySQL,[3] Ingres, MS SQL Server[4] and Oracle[5]) and is often used (incorrectly) as a synonym for "phonetic algorithm".[citation needed] Improvements to Soundex are the basis for many modern phonetic algorithms.[6]

The Soundex Indexing System (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)

