2015年10月13日 星期二

ascii html Standard characters ISO 10646 ISO 8879 8859-1 EBCDIC

ascii   html  Standard characters  ISO 10646 ISO 8879   8859-1 EBCDIC


ANSI character sets

ANSI Table |  Character List

ANSI stands for American National Standards Institute.

The ANSI character set includes the standard ASCII character set (values 0 to 127), plus an extended character set (values 128 to 255).

The ANSI character set is used by Windows end refers to the codepage 1252   known as "Latin 1 Windows" (see note).

Dec Hex Unicode  Char  Name
128 80 U+20AC Euro Sign
129 81 Undefined
130 82 U+201A Single Low-9 Quotation Mark
131 83 U+0192 ƒ Latin Small Letter F With Hook
132 84 U+201E Double Low-9 Quotation Mark
133 85 U+2026 Horizontal Ellipsis
134 86 U+2020 Dagger
135 87 U+2021 Double Dagger
136 88 U+02C6 ˆ Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent
137 89 U+2030 Per Mille Sign
138 8A U+0160 Š Latin Capital Letter S With Caron
139 8B U+2039 Single Left-pointing Angle Quotation Mark
140 8C U+0152 ΠLatin Capital Ligature Oe
141 8D Undefined
142 8E U+017D Ž Latin Capital Letter Z With Caron
143 8F Undefined
144 90 Undefined
145 91 U+2018 Left Single Quotation Mark
146 92 U+2019 Right Single Quotation Mark
147 93 U+201C Left Double Quotation Mark
148 94 U+201D Right Double Quotation Mark
149 95 U+2022 Bullet
150 96 U+2013 En Dash
151 97 U+2014 Em Dash
152 98 U+02DC ˜ Small Tilde
153 99 U+2122 Trade Mark Sign
154 9A U+0161 š Latin Small Letter S With Caron
155 9B U+203A Single Right-pointing Angle Quotation Mark
156 9C U+0153 œ Latin Small Ligature Oe
157 9D Undefined
158 9E U+017E ž Latin Small Letter Z With Caron
159 9F U+0178 Ÿ Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis
160 A0 U+00A0 No-break Space
161 A1 U+00A1 ¡ Inverted Exclamation Mark
162 A2 U+00A2 ¢ Cent Sign
163 A3 U+00A3 £ Pound Sign
164 A4 U+00A4 ¤ Currency Sign
165 A5 U+00A5 ¥ Yen Sign
166 A6 U+00A6 ¦ Broken Bar
167 A7 U+00A7 § Section Sign
168 A8 U+00A8 ¨ Diaeresis
169 A9 U+00A9 © Copyright Sign
170 AA U+00AA ª Feminine Ordinal Indicator
171 AB U+00AB « Left-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
172 AC U+00AC ¬ Not Sign
173 AD U+00AD Soft Hyphen
174 AE U+00AE ® Registered Sign
175 AF U+00AF ¯ Macron
176 B0 U+00B0 ° Degree Sign
177 B1 U+00B1 ± Plus-minus Sign
178 B2 U+00B2 ² Superscript Two
179 B3 U+00B3 ³ Superscript Three
180 B4 U+00B4 ´ Acute Accent
181 B5 U+00B5 µ Micro Sign
182 B6 U+00B6 Pilcrow Sign
183 B7 U+00B7 · Middle Dot
184 B8 U+00B8 ¸ Cedilla
185 B9 U+00B9 ¹ Superscript One
186 BA U+00BA º Masculine Ordinal Indicator
187 BB U+00BB » Right-pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark
188 BC U+00BC ¼ Vulgar Fraction One Quarter
189 BD U+00BD ½ Vulgar Fraction One Half
190 BE U+00BE ¾ Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters
191 BF U+00BF ¿ Inverted Question Mark
192 C0 U+00C0 À Latin Capital Letter A With Grave
193 C1 U+00C1 Á Latin Capital Letter A With Acute
194 C2 U+00C2 Â Latin Capital Letter A With Circumflex
195 C3 U+00C3 Ã Latin Capital Letter A With Tilde
196 C4 U+00C4 Ä Latin Capital Letter A With Diaeresis
197 C5 U+00C5 Å Latin Capital Letter A With Ring Above
198 C6 U+00C6 Æ Latin Capital Ligature Ae
199 C7 U+00C7 Ç Latin Capital Letter C With Cedilla
200 C8 U+00C8 È Latin Capital Letter E With Grave
201 C9 U+00C9 É Latin Capital Letter E With Acute
202 CA U+00CA Ê Latin Capital Letter E With Circumflex
203 CB U+00CB Ë Latin Capital Letter E With Diaeresis
204 CC U+00CC Ì Latin Capital Letter I With Grave
205 CD U+00CD Í Latin Capital Letter I With Acute
206 CE U+00CE Î Latin Capital Letter I With Circumflex
207 CF U+00CF Ï Latin Capital Letter I With Diaeresis
208 D0 U+00D0 Ð Latin Capital Letter Eth
209 D1 U+00D1 Ñ Latin Capital Letter N With Tilde
210 D2 U+00D2 Ò Latin Capital Letter O With Grave
211 D3 U+00D3 Ó Latin Capital Letter O With Acute
212 D4 U+00D4 Ô Latin Capital Letter O With Circumflex
213 D5 U+00D5 Õ Latin Capital Letter O With Tilde
214 D6 U+00D6 Ö Latin Capital Letter O With Diaeresis
215 D7 U+00D7 × Multiplication Sign
216 D8 U+00D8 Ø Latin Capital Letter O With Stroke
217 D9 U+00D9 Ù Latin Capital Letter U With Grave
218 DA U+00DA Ú Latin Capital Letter U With Acute
219 DB U+00DB Û Latin Capital Letter U With Circumflex
220 DC U+00DC Ü Latin Capital Letter U With Diaeresis
221 DD U+00DD Ý Latin Capital Letter Y With Acute
222 DE U+00DE Þ Latin Capital Letter Thorn
223 DF U+00DF ß Latin Small Letter Sharp S
224 E0 U+00E0 à Latin Small Letter A With Grave
225 E1 U+00E1 á Latin Small Letter A With Acute
226 E2 U+00E2 â Latin Small Letter A With Circumflex
227 E3 U+00E3 ã Latin Small Letter A With Tilde
228 E4 U+00E4 ä Latin Small Letter A With Diaeresis
229 E5 U+00E5 å Latin Small Letter A With Ring Above
230 E6 U+00E6 æ Latin Small Ligature Ae
231 E7 U+00E7 ç Latin Small Letter C With Cedilla
232 E8 U+00E8 è Latin Small Letter E With Grave
233 E9 U+00E9 é Latin Small Letter E With Acute
234 EA U+00EA ê Latin Small Letter E With Circumflex
235 EB U+00EB ë Latin Small Letter E With Diaeresis
236 EC U+00EC ì Latin Small Letter I With Grave
237 ED U+00ED í Latin Small Letter I With Acute
238 EE U+00EE î Latin Small Letter I With Circumflex
239 EF U+00EF ï Latin Small Letter I With Diaeresis
240 F0 U+00F0 ð Latin Small Letter Eth
241 F1 U+00F1 ñ Latin Small Letter N With Tilde
242 F2 U+00F2 ò Latin Small Letter O With Grave
243 F3 U+00F3 ó Latin Small Letter O With Acute
244 F4 U+00F4 ô Latin Small Letter O With Circumflex
245 F5 U+00F5 õ Latin Small Letter O With Tilde
246 F6 U+00F6 ö Latin Small Letter O With Diaeresis
247 F7 U+00F7 ÷ Division Sign
248 F8 U+00F8 ø Latin Small Letter O With Stroke
249 F9 U+00F9 ù Latin Small Letter U With Grave
250 FA U+00FA ú Latin Small Letter U With Acute
251 FB U+00FB û Latin Small Letter U With Circumflex
252 FC U+00FC ü Latin Small Letter U With Diaeresis
253 FD U+00FD ý Latin Small Letter Y With Acute
254 FE U+00FE þ Latin Small Letter Thorn

255 FF U+00FF ÿ Latin Small Letter Y With Diaeresis
二進位 十進位 十六進位 縮寫 Unicode
表示法 脫出字元
表示法 名稱/意義
0000 0000 0 00 NUL ^@ 空字符(Null)
0000 0001 1 01 SOH ^A 標題開始
0000 0010 2 02 STX ^B 本文開始
0000 0011 3 03 ETX ^C 本文結束
0000 0100 4 04 EOT ^D 傳輸結束
0000 0101 5 05 ENQ ^E 請求
0000 0110 6 06 ACK ^F 確認回應
0000 0111 7 07 BEL ^G 響鈴
0000 1000 8 08 BS ^H 退格
0000 1001 9 09 HT ^I 水平定位符號
0000 1010 10 0A LF ^J 換行鍵
0000 1011 11 0B VT ^K 垂直定位符號
0000 1100 12 0C FF ^L 換頁鍵
0000 1101 13 0D CR ^M Enter鍵
0000 1110 14 0E SO ^N 取消變換(Shift out)
0000 1111 15 0F SI ^O 啟用變換(Shift in)
0001 0000 16 10 DLE ^P 跳出資料通訊
0001 0001 17 11 DC1 ^Q 裝置控制一(XON 啟用軟體速度控制)
0001 0010 18 12 DC2 ^R 裝置控制二
0001 0011 19 13 DC3 ^S 裝置控制三(XOFF 停用軟體速度控制)
0001 0100 20 14 DC4 ^T 裝置控制四
0001 0101 21 15 NAK ^U 確認失敗回應

0001 0110 22 16 SYN ^V 同步用暫停

ASCII Code - The extended ASCII table
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It's a 7-bit character code where every single bit represents a unique character. On this webpage you will find 8 bits, 256 characters, according to ISO 8859-1 and Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 increased characters, which is available in certain programs such as Microsoft Word.

ASCII control characters (character code 0-31)
The first 32 characters in the ASCII-table are unprintable control codes and are used to control peripherals such as printers.
DEC OCT HEX BIN Symbol HTML Number HTML Name Description
0 000 00 00000000 NUL Null char
1 001 01 00000001 SOH Start of Heading
2 002 02 00000010 STX Start of Text
3 003 03 00000011 ETX End of Text
4 004 04 00000100 EOT End of Transmission
5 005 05 00000101 ENQ Enquiry
6 006 06 00000110 ACK Acknowledgment
7 007 07 00000111 BEL Bell
8 010 08 00001000 BS Back Space
9 011 09 00001001 HT Horizontal Tab
10 012 0A 00001010 LF Line Feed
11 013 0B 00001011 VT Vertical Tab

12 014 0C 00001100 FF Form Feed

Character entity references in HTML 4

A character entity reference is an SGML construct that references a character of the document character set.
This version of HTML supports several sets of character entity references:

ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) characters In accordance with section 14 of [RFC1866], the set of Latin-1 entities has been extended by this specification to cover the whole right part of ISO-8859-1 (all code positions with the high-order bit set), including the already commonly used  , © and ®. The names of the entities are taken from the appendices of SGML (defined in [ISO8879]).
symbols, mathematical symbols, and Greek letters. These characters may be represented by glyphs in the Adobe font "Symbol".
markup-significant and internationalization characters (e.g., for bidirectional text).
The following sections present the complete lists of character entity references. Although, by convention, [ISO10646] the comments following each entry are usually written with uppercase letters, we have converted them to lowercase in this specification for reasons of readability.

24.2.1 The list of characters

                                  U+00A0 ISOnum -->

