2015年10月17日 星期六

Arduino 好站 分享 紀錄

Jean-Claude Wippler. “Jee” stands for JC’s environmental electronics.





You’re looking at a weblog maintained by Jean-Claude Wippler. “Jee” stands for JC’s environmental electronics.

This is the place where I report on my adventures in “Computing Stuff tied to the Physical World”. I’ve  started working on some hardware / firmware / software to better get to grips with energy consumption in and around the house. I’d also like to automate things a bit more, but only to the point where such domotics really feels like a genuine improvement. My goal is to reduce the number of gadgets and appliances where possible, not to add yet more non-intuitive technology to my living environment.

I’ve been a self-employed IT consultant for some 20 years now. I have a masters degree in mathematics and computer science and have recently re-discovered my passion for stuff that does stuff – with a meaningful purpose, preferably. When I found out that small MPU chips are now powerful enough to perform fairly complex tasks, can be programmed in plain C / C++, and are amazingly affordable, it was like a dream come true. A lot of things are coming together for me in this new idea space.

